Pakistani officials are reporting that they have 200 al-Qaeda members, including the second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri surrounded near the Afghan border. The area is being hit hard with artillery and helicopters.

Go, get ’em boys, dead or alive…

UPDATE: On second, thought, screw the alive part. The bad Doctor is one of my ATS Dead Pool picks. Blow the bastard to kingdom come then shoot the chunks on the way down – just leave enough DNA to identify him.


  1. As much as I want these guys to be “disabled” from any further action, I can’t help noticing that you are as bloodthirsty as these guys.

    You’re not a democrat. Only death can appease and appeal you: you’re a terrorist too!

  2. You’re not a democrat. Only death can appease and appeal you: you’re a terrorist too!

    Oh please. Terrorists kill innocent people. al-Zawahiri is an accessory to mass murder who directly planned the death of 3,000 civilians in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, as well as 201 in Madrid. If he’s blown straight to hell he’s getting exactly what he deserves.

  3. Oh please. Terrorists kill innocent people. al-Zawahiri is an accessory to mass murder who directly planned the death of 3,000 civilians in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, as well as 201 in Madrid. If he’s blown straight to hell he’s getting exactly what he deserves

    …but…but… He has feelings, too! :]

  4. Read again: if only the death of other human beings can appease you, you’re a terrorist.

    You are a person who is happy when others die. You can have whatever snarky comments on top of that.

    Close your eyes and your mind, that will help too!

  5. Apparently wishing for the death of someone who is responsible for the worst act of mass murder this century makes one a terrorist, but packing yourself up with nails and explosives and blowing yourself up in a bus full of Israel schoolchildren doesn’t.

    Here we have yet another reason why Europe is completely unserious about terrorism…

  6. and this is another example that you read only what you want. !where do you see that I don’t consider these guys as terrorists. I even said in my first post that they were!!

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