4 thoughts on “Hooray For “Mercs”

  1. Isn’t Kos a mercenary for Kerry, since he’s not directly employed by Kerry, or is he considered just a part of the Democratic Party mob of Bush-haters?

    Or perhaps, he’s more of a brigand or pirate, flying under his own flag and avoiding the prevailing authority?

    (Democrats don’t really have supporters… they are better defined by what they oppose in their enemies.)

  2. These people are not mercenaries, but they can eventually reveal extraordinary combat skills if needed (“I just happened to be there and defending myself, I killed them all” Bruce Willis style)

    Thank you Jay for validating this point: there is no american civilian in Irak, unless they are working for the army – which more or less deprive them of the “civilian” title, right?

    I can remenber the many times you have injured the terrorists because they were not dressed like legitimate soldiers, and thus should have no right to start fighting, and that this was the reason why Tsahal would shoot any civilian approaching for example…

    “there were no military reports about the opening hours of the siege on CPA headquarters in Najaf because there were no military personnel on the scene”

    I can recognize the love of Bush and Cheney for transparency in these methods…Wait a second: how many of these sub-contractors are dead in action for the US invasion?
    None – even tough the article talks about daily attacks?
    Does that mean that the death toll of americans dead in Irak is a lot larger than the official number?
    It sure does!
    Does it look good to have the total number of death multiplied by X just before the election?
    It sure doesn’t!

    I would like to say that what the crowd did to these bodies is totally unforgivable, but this is another story. How is Saddam doing by the way? Haven’t heard of him recently!

  3. Thank you Jay for validating this point: there is no american civilian in Irak, unless they are working for the army – which more or less deprive them of the “civilian” title, right?

    No, there are American missionaries on religious missions, contractors for reconstruction firms, civilian contractors, etc… there are plenty of Americans (and Britons, and Aussies, and Poles, etc…) in Iraq who don’t have anything to do with the Army.

    And since the Army can’t always protect them from attack, that’s where private security firms come in.

    I can remenber the many times you have injured the terrorists because they were not dressed like legitimate soldiers, and thus should have no right to start fighting, and that this was the reason why Tsahal would shoot any civilian approaching for example…

    Security workers wear very visible ID and often coordinate with the CPA so that when they travel through a roadblock the military knows who they are and what they’re doing. Furthermore, unlike Palestinian terrorists, security contracts aren’t likely to start randomly killing people or suicide bombing anyone.

    Wait a second: how many of these sub-contractors are dead in action for the US invasion?
    None – even tough the article talks about daily attacks?
    Does that mean that the death toll of americans dead in Irak is a lot larger than the official number?

    Nope. Deaths from contractors are reflected in the official death toll. Wishful thinking on your part, perhaps? We all know how the French media relishes the latest body counts, like vultures.

    I would like to say that what the crowd did to these bodies is totally unforgivable, but this is another story. How is Saddam doing by the way? Haven’t heard of him recently!

    Ask the Red Cross/Red Crecent. As a prisoner of war they have the right to ask to see him any time. He also has a lawyer (French, of course), and his wife is allowed to see him. All more than the bastard deserves, of course.

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