Kerry’s Smear Master

John Kerry has hired Zach Exley of to be his director of online communications, further cementing the ties between Kerry and the radical left-wing group. Exley is known for his childish attacks on Bush from 2000 before coming to work for

If this is a sign of the way Kerry intends to conduct his campaign, be prepared for the most hate-filled, childish, and invective campaign in recent political history. Exley is little more than smear merchant, a spoiled brat that engages in playground taunts and represents the slimiest element of politics.

There’s an old adage that one is judged by the company they keep – and if these are the sorts of people Kerry wants in his organization it’s a sign as to why he is unfit to be Commander in Chief.

13 thoughts on “Kerry’s Smear Master

  1. The next thing you know, someone from the DemocraticUnderground will be on staff. Well, there probably already are….

  2. “Exley is little more than smear merchant, a spoiled brat that engages in playground taunts and represents the slimiest element of politics.”
    Isn’t there a policy against ad hominen attacks?

  3. Isn’t there a policy against ad hominen attacks?

    Read Byron York’s article linked in the post for more than enough evidence to prove that assertion.

  4. I asked you to explain what you mean (YOU! not HIM!) by “radical left wing group”. Is that so hard? You are not really talking about are you? Please explain how this is a radical left wing group? I’ll give you “left”, but what about “radical”? It’s starting to appear that anyone who disagrees with you is a “radical” and that “radical” is a generic smear word. Very Propaganda-like. BTW: Hitler comparisons are ALWAYS legitimate political discourse. Why not? It’s quite political and it is discourse. It’s not very nice, but all’s fair in love and war. We are at war (in more ways than one), aren’t we? Let the bombs fly and we’ll see who is left standing in November.

  5. Six Foot Pole,

    Don’t you know that all of us who speak out against BushCo are “radical left wing group”.

    what a bunch of non-sense…the right are the ones who are smearing…they are just to blind to see it…

  6. A conservative by definition is one who seeks the impossible…that is, the preservation (at all costs, and inspite of reason) of the status quo.

    A liberal is one who, understanding that only change and death are constant, accepts change(s) and adapts.

    Dinosaurs were conservatives.

    humans are liberals.

    Thus it was, thus it is… you human?

  7. You don’t know crap catwoman. Your job with the USA HHS is about to be terminated. You can thank me for your termination
    butthead. What do you want on your pizza?

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