Michael Moore Aids The Enemy

Cox and Forkum have a piece that condemns Michael Moore’s latest idiotic blather. For the record, this is what he said:

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not “insurgents” or “terrorists” or “The Enemy.” They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow — and they will win. Get it, Mr. Bush? You closed down a friggin’ weekly newspaper, you great giver of freedom and democracy! Then all hell broke loose. The paper only had 10,000 readers! Why are you smirking?

That has to be one of the more sickening comments that have echoed from Moore’s large mouth – no mean achievement. Moore continues to descend deeper and deeper into pathological Bush hatred – continuing to use every cheap device known to man to smear Bush.

This latest piece crosses the line. Not only does Moore smear Bush, he smears the troops, he smears the Iraqi people, and he openly shows his adoration for the enemy. It’s disgusting, and it is clear that despite Moore wrapping himself up in the flag, his “patriotism” is a thin veneer coving his seething hatred of anyone who disagrees with him. Idolizing the enemy isn’t patriotism – it’s borderline treasonous.

It comes down to this – if Moore thinks that America is so bad, and the Iraqi insurgency is such a wonderful popular uprising, how about we ship his ass to Iraq? Let him see firsthand how noble the cause of the Iraqi insurgency is.

But of course, being a coward, Moore sent some cameramen to find disgruntled troops to interview for his latest hatchetjob. Moore would dare not send his corpulent self into a place where he could be harmed – no, that just wouldn’t do. Moore makes televangelists look like paragons of moral consistancy.

I hope his film comes out right before the election. When people see the spittle-flecked hatred that comes out of the far-left these days it does more to tarnish them than a million campaign ads ever could.

UPDATE: Perhaps “treasonous” isn’t quite the right word – however, “sedition” pretty much covers it.

9 thoughts on “Michael Moore Aids The Enemy

  1. Jay, democracy is about exchange of views. Being against Bush is not being against the US! Otherwise, half of the US is against the US!!

    “he openly shows his adoration for the enemy”
    ??? In your quote, he explains that closing an iraqi newspaper with only a few readers was a mistake that led to insurection, not that what the paper said was wright!

    “how about we ship his ass to Iraq”
    Yeah, let’s exile those who aren’t patriot and don’t support the president! Very democratic! Guantanamo maybe?

    “Moore would dare not send his corpulent self into a place where he could be harmed – no, that just wouldn’t do”
    Unlike Jay, who himself was a volunteer for Irak!

  2. Making excuses for fascism and arguing for the enemy is not democratic in the slightest. There are plenty of people who criticize Bush without sympathizing and encouraging facism.

  3. Mr. Reding:
    You response to Mr. Moore strikes me as exactly the sort of attention that Mr. Moore thrives on. He says a few outrageous things, conservatives get outraged, and he rings up a few more sales of Dude, Where’s My Country or Bowling for Columbine.

    On top of that, he sees himself as a crusader against the forces of evil. When his nemeses respond to him with invective as strong as yours, it’s just validation to him. He must be doing the right thing! Time to crusade harder!

    Better to let him continue to rant to his flock and spout his pseudo-populist rhetoric. After a while, people will figure out he’s no William Jennings Bryant.


  4. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. That’s why it’s still necessary and important for good men like Jay, or Cox & Forkum, to speak out when someone openly praises men who are killing Americans. Yes, Moore thrives on outrage. So what? His comments are outrageous, and it’s important that they not go unanswered.

  5. Yes, but it’s the equivalent of hurling a racial slur back at a hatemonger. It doesn’t do anyone one bit of good- and it gives the hater exactly what he wants.

  6. It amazes me that he complains about shutting down al-Sadr’s paper. al-Sadr’s organization and other islamofascists are nothing more than Nazism without the social graces or the swastika. Can you imagine for a minute that Moore or his kind would have any problem with Bush shutting down a Nazi newspaper that incited violence against Jews in New York? Yet, he lauds freedom of the press for a fascist newspaper that incites violence against Jews and Christians in Iraq.

    That’s why his attacks show base anti-Americanism, because there is no other basis for making is argument.

  7. Today, outside a restaurant, I overheard a group of affluent middle-class people who were excitedly talking about the upcoming release of “Fahrenheit 911”. They were titilated that it won a large award by the French film critics and that Disney — the evil entertainment empire — had tried to suppress it.

    I butted in and declared that should Michael Moore return to the states, he should be arrested and tried for sedition. This resulted in a chorus of murmered epithets and hostile stares.

    My question for you is, do you think that, during wartime, sedition should be revived as a criminal offence and if it applies to Michael Moore?

  8. Ayn Rand said it best:

    “Sympathy for the guilty(enemy) is treason to their victims.”

    Free people against a tyrannical regime. Michael Moore hates America, and anyone who preaches appeasement in the face of a known evil, is giving aid to the enemy. Quit using the war as a political tool.

    God you people on the left are so disgusting.

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