Sen. Holling’s Anti-Semitic Slander

I hadn’t heard of Sen. Fritz Holling’s odious screed accusing Bush of going to war for Iraq for Israel, but now that I have it is clear that the Senator has come completely unglued. Never have I read anything so disgusting from a member of the United States Senate. Hollings argument?

Israel long since would have taken us to the weapons of mass destruction if there were any or if they had been removed. With Iraq no threat, why invade a sovereign country? The answer: President Bush’s policy to secure Israel.

The accusation that Jews secretly control the government go all the way back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and beyond, but this is the first time I’ve heard a US Senator go out and say such a thing. It’s anti-Semitic slander, pure and simple, and the fact that a US Senator has gone out and entertained such a notion is utterly disgusting. It is no more odious than Hollings arguing that John Kerry’s Catholic faith meant that his desire to create stronger ties with Europe or support for intervention in Bosnia was motivated by his loyalty to the Vatican. Accusing someone of dual loyalties because of their faith is one of the oldest anti-Semitic arguments there are.

Fritz Hollings has decided not to seek election in 2004, which means that thankfully he will no longer be able to disgrace the Senate with his presence. Hollings’ anti-Semitic diatribe coupled with his support for draconian limitations of personal freedom such as the DMCA have made him one of this country’s most shameful Senators.

2 thoughts on “Sen. Holling’s Anti-Semitic Slander

  1. The accusation that Jews secretly control the government go all the way back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and beyond, but this is the first time I’ve heard a US Senator go out and say such a thing. It’s anti-Semitic slander, pure and simple, and the fact that a US Senator has gone out and entertained such a notion is utterly disgusting.

    WTF are you talking about. WHERE was that said. Hell, where was that even implied? Excuse me while I find something large and blunt to hit you upside the head with!

    It’s almost as if you look into any criticism of the Bush adminstration, the neo-conservative agenda, or hell just anything you don’t like for any possible, by any ludicrous stretch of reason, anything that can be remotely construed of anti-semitism then cry bloody murder.

    Did you even read the statement you linked to?

  2. Take a deep breath, Jay, and come to the realization of a rational person – Israel doesn’t get a pass from criticism just because its citizens are Jewish.

    Criticism of Israel is not automatically anti-Semitic. Moreover more people than just the Jewish people have an interest in Israel – especially a president who believes we’re nearing the End Times.

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