To Save You Some Time

So you don’t have to sit through all two hours of The Day After Tomorrow it has been hysterically condensed down for you. My favorite line:

BRIAN: You know, you have, like, a one in a billion chance of dying in a plane crash.

PILOT: Thank you for flying Lucky Odds Airlines! Today’s kinda special for us, as this is our one billionth flight, and we’ve never had a crash yet!

5 thoughts on “To Save You Some Time

  1. I saw that movie last week, and I’ve read through that summary. It left out my favorite part. So they all are stuck in the library and will have to get a major fire going to prevent freezing. The kid picks up some ordinary books off of a TABLE and throws them into the fire place. The librarians yell “You can’t burn books!” I laughed how else do they expect to live.

    Also it should be noted that even though they were in a room with wooden interior, many chairs a couch, elegant rugs, and many shelves…no one things about putting any of the WOOD on the fire. NOPE JUST BOOKS FOR ME, THANKS!

    I thought at one point the kid was going to buy a clue when he brought two chairs from somewhere else. BUT NO, instead he kicks out the back supports and uses them for snow shoes, and leaves the chairs there…in pieces.

  2. Note, though, who gets to survive in the movie: the weather nerd, the all out geek, the cancer kid, the girl who looks like she came straight from a French movie of the 1950’s, the librarian, the atheist… In short, all the (traditionally, movie-wise) uncool people.

    I thought all this was kinda neat.

  3. So Jay… did you actually see the movie?

    Unfortunately, yes. The scariest thing about it was that it got made.

    On the other hand, the CGI was pretty damn good. Too bad they couldn’t CG up a plot that didn’t have more holes than one of Courtney Love’s veins…

  4. I’m convinced that Roland Emmerich is schizoid. He’s German, yet he’s made two of the biggest patriotic chest-thumpers of the last decade, Independence Day and The Patriot (even the titles scream “I love America”. He’s also obsessed with destroying New York City (he’s done it three times now) and stirring up environmental panic.

    The guy is loony, and wouldn’t know a good script from a roll of toilet paper, but he’s got a talent for pure destruction… maybe he’s actually Japanese, pretending to be German, making American films?

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