More On Tenet’s Resignation

The more I read on George Tenet’s sudden resignation from the CIA the more I’m convinced that he’s being honest about leaving for personal reasons. It appears to have taken everyone by surprise, including the President. It doesn’t seem likely that Tenet was let go by the President as some have suggested, especially since there appears to be no one who has been jockeying for that position beforehand. When Bush fires someone, such as he did with Paul O’Neill, he doesn’t keep it a secret.

Rep. Porter Goss is being considered as the most likely replacement for Tenet. Rep. Goss is a former CIA agent with good connections in the intelligence world and is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. While a McCain or a Guiliani would make more popular choices, in terms of being familiar with our intelligence systems and having the requisite political connections, I’d be rather surprised if Goss didn’t get the job.

One thought on “More On Tenet’s Resignation

  1. I agree. The media can’t seem to get around conspiracy theories, however. I guess it’s been a while since there’s been honesty around the White House.

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