2 thoughts on “May Justice Be Done

  1. Well, except that they haven’t.

    I love it. Iraq has soverienty over their country, even though the Iraqis can make no laws and 130,000 American troops are on their soil. Iraq has custody of Saddam, but he’s staying in an American faciluty under American guard for now.

    Hilarious. By the same logic I’d like to order a Value Meal at McDonalds and tell them that even though I’m turning over custody of $6.75 to them, the money will remain in the physical custody of my pocket.

  2. The Iraqis can make laws, and they can ask us to leave at any time.

    They have custody of Saddam and can try him as they wish or move him at any time. If they want him held in an Iraqi prison under Iraqi guard, they can.

    If I hire a plumber to fix my plumbing for me, that doesn’t mean that I really don’t own the sink.

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