Richardson Drops Out

Bill Richardson, the Democratic governor of New Mexico has withdrawn his candidacy for John Kerry’s running mate. It’s an interesting decision for Richardson, as he could have used the VP position to catapault himself onto the national stage. Richardson could have also helped Kerry garner Hispanic votes.

My money is still on Vilsack for Kerry’s VP, but we’ll see in the next couple of weeks.

8 thoughts on “Richardson Drops Out

  1. I’m sure your team would like to see a lightweight like Vilsack be chosen, hanging Kerry with a monthlong chorus of “what was he thinking?” Hopefully, Kerry isn’t quite so dumb. If he does pick Vilsack, he’s not very serious about winning the White House. He brings nothing to the table. If Kerry can’t win Iowa with Vilsack, he’ll lose in a landslide anyway.

  2. I think what is telling is the fact that Richardson doesn’t want to be on the ticket with Kerry.

    Richardson is a smart politician and more centrist Dem; if he doesn’t want to be paired with Kerry that says something bad about Kerry.

    Richardson is also a Clinton footsoldier; if Richardson turns down Kerry, that means the Clintons didn’t want him on the ticket either.

  3. Another Thought, let’s forget about the latest chapter in your “Clintons take over the world” conspiracy theory and focus just on Richardson. He left Washington after an impressive tenure and decided to settle down in his home state. He made a pledge to his constituents that he would remain their Governor for a full term. If he backed down on his word, he could run the risk of being more of a liability than an asset to Kerry in the Southwest.

    I’m actually grateful that Richardson turned down the job. As much as he brings to the table on a variety of fronts, his high-profile presence on a national ticket will bring divisive Hispanic and immigration issues to the campaign frontburner….which is exactly where the Democrats DON’T need them. Whatever side the Dems take on the immigration issue if it’s profile is raised, they’ll lose more votes than they’ll win.

  4. He left Washington after an impressive tenure and decided to settle down in his home state. He made a pledge to his constituents that he would remain their Governor for a full term. If he backed down on his word, he could run the risk of being more of a liability than an asset to Kerry in the Southwest.

    That’s a pretty reasonable analysis.

    I’d also suspect that Richardson didn’t want the scrutiny that comes with being on the national stage – and who could blame him for that?

  5. I never buy this politician line about not wanting to run because they’ve promised their voters in their current office to finish their term…blah…blah…blah…

    First, almost everyone who runs for Pres/VP is in some other office, and obviously don’t feel bad about possibly leaving that office for something higher…

    Second, most voters in a state, if they really support that officeholder, would be thrilled to see that person go on to Pres/VP.

    So while we can speculate on Richardson’s other reasons for turning down Kerry, I don’t buy the one about his promise to finish out his term.

  6. Another Thought, so you’re on record calling Bill Richardson a liar. Duly noted…..and infinitely relevant….

  7. Another Thought, you’re right. It’s definitely more plausible that Richardson turned down Kerry’s VP bid because he’s secretly waiting for Hillary to hijack the nomination and then jump aboard her ticket instead. :))

  8. Mark: I simply note that when politicians use the excuse of wanting to “keep their promise to finish their term” that is often the polite way of turning someone down for other reasons.

    It’s like when a woman turns down a date with a guy; instead of saying that she finds the guy unattractive or whatever, she’ll often come up with a more kind excuse.

    You can call it lying if you wish…but it is the way the game is played…

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