Lileks Tears Moore A New One

No one delivers a Fisking quite like James Lileks, and he lets loose a whopper of one against the latest Michael Moore screed. He also comes up with one of the best single line descriptions of the left I’ve yet seen:

Believing in Bush’s perfidy gives some people the same comfort and emotional nourishment others get from believing in Jesus.

Lileks continues to utterly rip Moore to shreds (not that such an activity is all that mentally taxing) and he does it with characteristic wit…

8 thoughts on “Lileks Tears Moore A New One

  1. What else can be said about Moore and his lies…he has been debunked from both liberals and conservatives, in blogs and Newsweek, on TV and radio…

    …and yet the most amazing thing is, as Lileks points out, that for a group of left wing people he is believed on faith, even when the facts hit them in the face…

    It seems to me that Moore has become a cult for his believers…

  2. The most amazing thing of all is that conservatives who haven’t seen the movie have deemed themselves worthy of lecturing those who have about the movie’s factual merit.

  3. Mark: have you read the article by Lileks referenced in this post? If you did, you would realize that the author fisks Moore’s July 4th op-ed in the LA Times and not F911.

    In fact, the only reference to F911 is an indirect one, where he notes what a caller to a radio show said about the movie.

    Mark, one doesn’t need to just focus on F911 to criticize Moore; he has given us plenty of other instances of his anti-American garbage for us to pick apart.

    So what I find amazing, Mark, is that you, who have not read the Lileks article, would deem yourself worthy of lecturing those who have about the article’s merit.

  4. Why does criticism of the government, in particular our Fearless Leader, automatically categorize one as ‘anti-american’? I criticize the administration and ol monkey-boy constantly, but that doesn’t make me anti-american. I was born here, I’ve lived here all my life, and I’ll probably die here. To me there’s no greater and more fascinating country than the US of A. That doesn’t mean it’s faultless.

    “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

  5. dbs: Moore’s rants are anti-American by their very definition…why is it that in the liberal mind no criticism qualifies as anti-American…and Moore just doesn’t criticize Bush, he criticizes the country and its military…

    Let’s face it…Moore constantly slams this country and what it stands for…and then makes great profits off of it…worse yet, he roots for the deaths of our service men and women in Iraq and compares those who seek to kill them to our Minuteman…that’s enough to qualify for anti-American comments to me…

    Face up to reality: sure, we have freedom of speech in this country and no one wants it any other way…but let’s also have the courage to admit that the speech of some people is indeed anti-American…

  6. dbs, there’s a problem with Another…he doesn’t read others posts…don’t be surprised if its answer doesn’t take your previous post into account.

    You ARE anti-american because you oppose Bush and because Another is telling you so…

  7. Vincent: your post makes no sense; I was commenting on the post of dbs…perhaps you don’t read my post…

    First, this thread is really about Michael Moore and his particular brand of criticism, which not only bashes Bush but bashes America as well…that is the whole point of the Lileks article…have you read that article, Vincent?

    Second, how nice of you to read my mind and interpret what I mean for me…how silly for me to think that I know more about my opinions than you do…

    Third, to clarify, not all criticism is anti-American, but some is. Much of Moore’s criticism is blatantly anti-American. That is the point of this thread.

    I have no problem with responsible criticism…let’s take Joe Lieberman for example. But there’s responsible criticism, there’s immature criticism (like calling Bush a “monkey”), and there’s anti-American slander, much of which comes from Moore.

    Apparently, Vincent, you confuse all sorts of issues…from Moore’s criticism to criticism in general to criticism of the President, to my reply to dbs…please untangle your logic next time…

  8. AT, I’m sorry I made this post as a warning to dbs to tell him how much it’s useless to talk with you. I must have guess you wouldn’t understand that.

    I’m also sorry you NEVER get a single line of what I write.

    So, here is the deal: stop reading and answering my posts!

    Anyway I don’t think your view is interesting for a democratic debate. Every word you wrote is a copy/paste from neocons, and the spin in the liberal media is nothing compared to the way you succeed in putting your head in your ass to look at Truth.

    I think your views on religion are the most dangerous of all. People like you are leading us directly to a clash of civilisation, a war of religion. This would of course be the greatest mistake.

    You see yourself on the “good” side, which of course is only a point of view…Do you even realise that? I guess not.

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