9 thoughts on “What They’re Really Thinking

  1. Doesn’t this really sum up the bankruptcy of Moore’s arguments, and those on the left in general?

    Who better to pass judgement on the military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq than the soldiers fighting it? And the military are overwhelmingly in favor of Bush, and certainly reject Moore’s hypotheses.

    But then the liberals don’t care what the soldiers think…they know better than they do…they know better than anyone…

  2. I don’t think the political left quite grasps how much anger they are stirring up against themselves and their philosophy…

    They may be angry at Bush, but they are making a huge group of Americans angry at the anti-Bush movement…

  3. Eh, the millitary isn’t overwhelmingly in favor of Bush… a friend of mine in the army, recently stationed in Iraq, said that his typical reply (and the reply of his fellow soldiers) at the exclamation of Iraqis saying “we love Bush” was typically “Good for you, we don’t!”

    Of course, they could have just been ticked off about having to stand around in 135 degree heat wearing full body armor… 🙂

  4. Nicholas: I can just as easily cite anecdotal evidence regarding how much the military love Bush…so your post proves absolutely nothing…nada…zilch…

    One thing we do know: Moore has slandered our troops in both his latest movie and in interviews, and the troops do not like Moore to say the very least.

  5. I don’t think the political left quite grasps how much anger they are stirring up against themselves and their philosophy…

    Yeah, somehow I doubt Americans are ready to revolt against weekends, fair wages, healthcare, public transit, and crucial public services just yet.

    Keep trying, though. Apparently people like you believe that Americans are so dumb they’ll revolt against their own best interests just because you’d like them to. Good luck with that.

  6. Nicholas: I can just as easily cite anecdotal evidence regarding how much the military love Bush…so your post proves absolutely nothing…nada…zilch…

    So can Jay and strategypage.com it seems.

    Though for once you are correct Another, such anecdotal evidence for either side means little to nothing.

  7. Yeah, somehow I doubt Americans are ready to revolt against weekends, fair wages, healthcare, public transit, and crucial public services just yet.

    That’s right… the Republicans are official against weekends now. Down with Saturday! Screw Sunday.

    Adjust your meds!

  8. “can just as easily cite anecdotal evidence regarding how much the military love Bush…so your post proves absolutely nothing…nada…zilch…”

    Again, sarcasm and humor is lost on Another Thoughtless, who is really just spoiling for a fight… he obviously hasn’t learned his lesson about arguing on the internet yet…

  9. Nicholas: you obviously haven’t learned how not to be condescending and snooty…not to mention how to make any substantive points…

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