Dennis Kucinch’s Ride Found

Russian “scientists” are claiming to have found the wreck of an alien spaceship in Siberia near the site of the 1908 Tunguska explosion. The wreck was apparently found next to a 50kg rock and a large collection of empty vodka bottles…

UPDATE: Howard Dean has said that it’s all a right-wing conspiracy to keep people’s minds away from the fact that George W. Bush enjoys eating kittens…

UPDATE: …try to get John Kerry on the line…tell him he’s about to copulate with a creature from outer space. Unless there are billionaire hieresses in outer space, I don’t think we’d need to worry…

One thought on “Dennis Kucinch’s Ride Found

  1. That’s pretty funny…Kucinich’s ride found…perhaps Kerry once went on a secret mission with the CIA to Mars…

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