Yet More Poll Positioning

For the first time in several weeks, President Bush is ahead of Kerry in the RCP poll averages in both the two and three-way contests.

Being ahead before the convention is a good sign – if Bush can widen his lead afterwards the direction of this race could change dramatically against Kerry.

Of course, the usual caveats apply, there’s still two months to go and anything could change. Still, when you start seeing several polls indicating the same general trend, one can be pretty confident that things are heading in Bush’s direction. It’s now up to the President to keep that momentum, which is why one can be sure he’s looking at reaching out to swing voters in New York.

Captain Ed also notes that the LA Times has found that Bush is pulling ahead in key swing states as well

One thought on “Yet More Poll Positioning

  1. It’s now up to the President to keep that momentum, which is why one can be sure he’s looking at reaching out to swing voters in New York.

    What on Earth does Bush have to appeal to swing voters?

    Maybe his own “swinging” between both sides of the issues?

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