Since Everyone Else Is Doing It…

Well, I’ve finally joined the 21st Century and gotten a digital camera. I ended up getting a very nice Canon PowerShot A75, which has a nice balance of features without being too expensive. It’s more of a hobbyist camera rather than the more expensive Canon S500, but it has manual white balance controls, optional telephoto and wide-angle lenses, and some other controls I’ll probably never even touch. It strikes the right balance between having quality features and the right price, which for someone who is mostly interested in doing snapshots and web work is exactly right.

2 thoughts on “Since Everyone Else Is Doing It…

  1. That’s a very nice camera. Canon makes the best cameras IMHO. I, myself, have my sights set on Casio P700 (Canon lense, though). 7 megapixel, 4x zoom, all kinds of manual controls, very fast shutter, should be somewhat pocketable (not as small as my s230, though). Hopefully, it’ll come out in US (out in Asia now) by New Years…

  2. That’s a nice camera. I got the same one for my daughter before our vacation last month. We went whale-watching off Nova Scotia, and she got some pretty good shots of whales breaching and lunging near the boat. I’ve used it, too, for some photos of old Nova Scotia houses. There’s a lot of functionality I still haven’t figured out.

    I found that it makes quite a difference how you set the camera up – if you set it to a medium level of detail (about half a meg per picture) you can’t do as much with the image afterwards as if you set it to superfine (about 1.5 – 2 megs per picture).

    Maybe I could set a new trend with some whaleblogging…

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