Afghanstan Holds Elections


The first ever democratic election is being held now in the country of Afghanistan. Here’s a to a free and democratic Afghanistam, a major step on the road to stability, prosperity, and peace for that nation…

One thought on “Afghanstan Holds Elections

  1. Though their were problems with ink, I things went pretty well. I was listening the BBC America on NPR late Friday morning and they claimed that a truck filled with explosives was confiscated before it could reach polling areas. But now I can’t find the story. Google News picks up this headline:

    BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Huge Afghan poll attack ‘foiled’
    … their main goal was to detonate the truck in Kandahar … BBC regional analyst Pam O’Toole says many Afghans … a lot will depend on how Afghanistan’s various power … public/-/1/hi/world/south_asia/3727324.stm – 48k –

    But the story doesn’t link to there. I found it that Reuters had the story too.

    While it can be said that the taliban or taliban sympothizers made an attempt to disrupt the elections, I think it can be said that they failed.

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