The Most Worthless Poll There Is

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune has released its latest Minnesota poll, and as always it’s more an exercise in propaganda rather than polling. The Minnesota Poll shows Kerry ahead with an absolutely improbably 8% lead over the President. The Minnesota Poll has always dramatically favored the Democrats by huge margins, and is deliberately designed to do so every time.

Which leads to the question: how dumb does the _Star-Tribune_ think Democrats are? When they release a poll that consistantly and clearly overstates Democratic performance by obscene margins time and time again, do they honestly think anyone is going to take their results seriously?

Sadly enough, they do, which makes me wonder who the biggest fool is: the lying fool, or the fools that swallow it?

2 thoughts on “The Most Worthless Poll There Is

  1. Don’t worry about the polls. Worry about PNAC,, a club devoted to pre-emption,
    arms build-up, nuclear arms increases, nation-building, and administration continuity. Members include Cheney, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Wolfowitz, and Bill Kristol, among many more powerful people. BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!!

  2. The Minnesota Poll is clearly overstating Democratic strength as usual. I don’t think that they even believe Kerry will win by that much, and the reality probably lies somewhere between the Minnesota Poll and the pathologically right-of-center St. Paul Pioneer Press Mason Dixon polls showing Bush leading by one point. Unless Bush soars in the last two days of the campaign,as he seemed to do in 2000, I expect Kerry to win Minnesota by a small but comfortable margin. In fact, the polling data for Minnesota and the entire Upper Midwest seems to be shifting strongly into the Kerry campaign. If Kerry sweeps the Upper Midwest, as he is now poised to do, and wins Ohio, an effort he will be dedicating much of his final hours of the campaign towards and where all indicators suggest a Kerry victory, he has a virtual lock on 270 electoral votes. Unless the vast majority of undecideds break for Bush, which the even tighter poll numbers than late last week suggest isn’t happening, Kerry wins.

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