The Banal Face Of Evil

In response to Michael Moore’s use of fallen American soldiers as anti-Bush propaganda, I’ve create a little mosaic of my own. The images are images of Iraqi mass graves – hundreds of thousands killed by Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical regime.



Still clutching their loved ones or their toys as the Mukhabarat murdered them in cold blood.

And what does Michael Moore have to say about these monsters?

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not “insurgents” or “terrorists” or “The Enemy.” They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow—and they will win.

Today, the “Minutemen” of Iraq just atatcked a police station and a crowded market, killing 19 innocents.

Had Michael Moore gotten his way, those mass graves would have new victims. The people of Iraq would still live under abject tyranny. Michael Moore uses our dead soliders as propaganda points, while lionizing the terrorist scum who murdered them as “Minutemen”. Michael Moore says that he cares about our soliders – while telling them that the murderous bastards that they’re fighting will win.

Michael Moore is no different than Joseph Goebbels or Leni Riefenstahl – except those two had talent.

18 thoughts on “The Banal Face Of Evil

  1. Pingback: FreedomSight
  2. 11/6/04

    Michael Moore cares about money, fame, and influence. He cares about ideas, but not people. He considers himself an intellectual, and therefore excused from common morality. Sadly, Moore is not the intellectual giant he supposes. He mainly reuses the ideas of others craming them together in a psuedo-artistic way. Look for a picture of President Bush in a jar of urine.

  3. Pingback: Banana Republican
  4. Michael Moore claims to be many things. One thing he certainly does not claim to be is intellectual.
    He boasts about dropping out of college. He critizes intellectuals for catering to their own intellectual self-definition crises while people in need just go down the drain.
    He is not an intellectual, and he does not aspire to be one.

  5. From my perspective Michael Moore cares about Michael Moore and not much else. As long as people buy what he shovels, he’ll continue. It is much easier to criticize that take a little action. He should volunteer in a homeless shelter or sign up as a prison volunteer.

  6. Weren’t the Reagan/Bush I administrations quite friendly to Hussein when he was gassing Kurds and creating those mass graves? I seem to remember a quite famous photo of Donald Rumsfeld shaking Saddam’s hand from back then

    Maybe gassing women and children was OK back in the 1980s. At least I don’t remember any conservatives making a big deal about it when it was actually happening. Oh well, at least those thousands who were killed are probably happy to know that Hussein has been removed–now that they’ve been dead for almost 20 years.

    “Michael Moore is no different than Joseph Goebbels”. One thing for sure, you are not prone to exaggeration.

  7. Reality,

    Funny, you make the claim that Republicans were okay with what Saddam Hussein was doing in the ’80’s, but now people rail against the Bush Administration for taking decisive action. Okay, I see you point that the action was long overdue (and heavily obstructed by liberals too, I might add). Here’s the question: where the hell was Clinton in his 8 years at the tiller? If you’re suggesting that Bush doctored up the charges and pursued Iraq when it didn’t need to, then you’re equally indifferent to the murdered.
    I agree with you that saying Michael Moore is no different that Joseph Goebbels is an exaggeration: Michael Moore is doing it strictly for his own benefit.

  8. Mistercalm-

    Believe me, I was no fan of Clinton, and especially concerning his foreign policy. I’ve worked in the Balkans for a long time and it is clear to most people here, ex-pats and locals both, that Clinton’s war in Kosovo had a devestating effect. The whole region has been set back 50 years (though it would be dishonest not to blame the people who live here as well). Just like Bush’s war in Iraq, Kosovo was launched on doctored information. Clinton’s policies in Bosnia were similarly wrong, he blew up Sudan’s main pharmacuetical plant, offering no compensation, and he did nothing while East Timorese were being slaughtered by our allies, the Indonesians. This is to say nothing of Rwanda.

    Comparing a monster like Goebbels to a filmmaker is outrageous as it cheapens the deaths of 8 million people who perished in the Holocaust. Michael Moore was making “Roger and Me”, a film about people losing their jobs in Flint, while at the same time the Reagan/Bush I administrations did nothing as Kurds were being gassed in Iraq.

  9. Reality,

    I’m puzzled by your comments regarding our position re Iraq when Saddam was gassing the Kurds. Is it your position that we should have invaded then? If we didn’t invade then, we’re not allowed to correct that error and invade now? Is it permissible to see the error of our ways?

    And yes, it is appropriate to compare Moore to Goebbels. Both are liars on a Global scale.

  10. Man this was amazing. You really got back at Michael Moore. I can’t believe he had the audacity to belittle the deaths of white, christian Americans. Your mosaic is way better. I enjoy it immensely. You really turned the tables on Moore. Belittling the deaths of those stupid, evil Iraqi’s was a stroke of genius. Of course, it was also racist and just as sick and wrong as the mosaic that inspired it, but the issue here is Right Vs. Left wing politics. The lives of a few gooks doesn’t matter, if the punch line knocks them off their feet, does it? You disgusting pile.

  11. Man this was amazing. You really got back at Michael Moore. I can’t believe he had the audacity to belittle the deaths of white, christian Americans. Your mosaic is way better. I enjoy it immensely. You really turned the tables on Moore. Belittling the deaths of those stupid, evil Iraqi’s was a stroke of genius. Of course, it was also racist and just as sick and wrong as the mosaic that inspired it, but the issue here is Right Vs. Left wing politics. The lives of a few gooks doesn’t matter, if the punch line knocks them off their feet, does it? You disgusting pile.

    Talk about missing the point…

  12. Pingback: Kesher Talk

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