Michael Moore is shooting a sequal to Fahrenheit 9/11:
“Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them,” Moore was quoted in Thursday’s edition of Variety. “They weren’t told the truth. We’re communicators and it’s up to us to start doing it now.”
The arrogance of Moore is astonishing. Fahrenheit 9/11 was a piece of vile propaganda that used distortions, spin, and outright lies to bash the President and America. When John McCain, a true American hero, singled out Moore at the Republican National Convention two months ago, he got a massive ovation and an idiotic response from Moore. It was a reminder that arrogant propagandists like Moore only have the freedom to spread their lies thanks to the same people that Moore uses a pawns in his hateful game of petty politics.
Michael Moore is political poison for the Democrats. I hope his sequal comes out right before the 2006 elections. The American people rejected the vitriol of people like Michael Moore this month, and as long as he remains in the public spotlight it will be a constant reminder of the hateful pettiness and kneejerk anti-Americanism of the far left in Hollywood.
Moore cares about one thing- making more (Moore?) money. I wish people wouldn’t take him so damn seriously, on both sides of the aisle…
It would be huge funny if mooreon’s next piece of crap came out just prior to 2006 elections and scuppered hildabeast’s presidential pretensions.
unfortunately, i believe he must be taken seriously. his movies now play in parts of the world where they take his crap as truth. Also, fighting soldiers have watched this–while on duty. this is not a good time for a soldier’s doubts about his reasons for being there to be raised. moore will meet his due.
“…propaganda that used distortions, spin, and outright lies…”
Were you talking about Michael Moore or Fox News? Or Rush Limbaugh? Or Ann Coulter? Or Sean Hannity? Or Bill O’Reilly? Or Michael Reagan? Etc.
Geez, you conservatives get just a single taste of your own medicine and you start crying. I guess its only acceptable for conservatives to be the bullies. You guys never were much for fairness anyway.
By the way, what were those “outright lies” you noted in his movie? I figured there were more than a few right-wing activist lawyer types who would have sued Moore by now for libel or slander…still waiting…
To be perfectly honest I find all of the whining about Michael Moore a little tiresome.
If you don’t want to have him making hatefully petty and anti-American speech then perhaps you should just have the Republican President ask the Republican Congress to pass an Ammendment to the Constitution that negates the First Ammendment; I mean, after all, the Supreme Court can’t declare an Ammendment unconstitutional. But if the Republicans did that it would only serve to prove Moore’s point that the Right is full of petty, lying, Anti-Americans who wrap themselves in the American Flag and the Constitution and pretend to uphold its meaning and significance.
People in power on seek to control the speech of their people when they are unsure of their own authority, if one is secure in their authority then it does not matter what is said because the truth will always save you. So, whine and simper little Republicans, go to Disney or the new company producing Moore’s film and beg then not to release it, the American public sees the act for what it really is and we see what you are trying to accomplish by denying the speech.
(PS: I may be liberal, but I don’t like Michael Moore or his movies; however, I dislike the curtailing of Constitutional rights more.)
Just so i get this right…
Moore whining about conservatives is constitutional
Conservatives whining about Moore is unconstitutional
The first amendment comes with responsibilities and don’t forget that.
It’s amusing to me how Conservatives find Moore anti-American. This nation was founded by dissenters, but unfortunately when people like Moore dissent by showing how young men and women were sent to their deaths for a war based on lies (talk about anti-American), he is reviled, and people actually try to intimidate theater owners from showing his movie. Sorry, we don’t like your dissent so we’ll ban it.
You want to know what’s really anti-American? That would be the Bush administration not allowing the media to photograph or film the coffins of our returning dead from Iraq, the first time this has been done. It is dishonorable to the dead and their families, and just another example of how the Right is callously curtailing the press and manipulating even the dead for their own political purposes. Free speech is not anti-American, and neither is having the public view the coffins of our young enlisted men and women.
And Nicholas, what’s wrong with Moore making money?
Truly “educating” 51% of the populous as Moore intends to do would require examining the facts and presenting them in a truthful fashion. Moore has neither the ability or inclination to do so.
Well then Conibear, we will just have to find someone who has the ability and the inclination to re-examine the facts and tell us the truth.
Joe, you know perfectly well that I didn’t mean that “Conservatives whining about Moore is unconstitutional”, I would be equally upset if the Democratic Party were attempting to curtail the speech of a dissenter. However that is not the case, so your reminder that “The first amendment comes with responsibilities and don’t forget that” is miss directed. The ACLU has more liberal memebers then conservative memebers, why do you think that is? Perhaps an organization, whose sole purpose is to uphold the Constitution makes those in favor of depriving citizens of their rights nervous? Just a thought.
Last I checked, Moore is not only able to spread his crap freely, but his porcine face is slapped on thousands of (unsold) DVDs.
Michael Moore praised the terrorists killing US soldiers in Iraq as well as innocent Iraqis as “Minutemen”. What if Moore had called the SS “the Resistance” and said “they will win”? Would so many leftists be standing up for him then?
Let him spew his crap – the more people who see the hatred and anti-Americanism of his vile works, the more people who will see the left for the intellectually and morally bankrupt ideology it is.
“And Nicholas, what’s wrong with Moore making money?”
Nothing is wrong with Moore making money, IMHO, as I’m a good capitalist.
I just don’t have to give him any more of my money than I already have… though I do enjoy his movies, propaganda or not…
“Michael Moore praised the terrorists killing US soldiers in Iraq…”
Really, Jay? Please give me the source of this startling announcement by Moore. I would like to know exactly what he said or wrote and where to find it. Otherwise this is another statement of yours that is extremely dubious.
Reality: Right here:
Just like Tokyo Rose, although nowhere near as good looking.
Nowhere in that quote did he praise Iraqi’s for killing Americans. You made it sound as if he was cheering for American casualties.
They are viewed as minutemen by many people in Iraq, as polls have shown. Polls have also shown how loathed the “American occupiers” are, furthering the hatred and increasing terrorist recruitment–hence the growing number of fighters.
Whether they will win or not remains to be seen, but history is not on our side. The British left the region in the early 20th Century, as have many occupying armies who colonized other lands in the region. The Soviets left Afghanistan and their prospects for Chechnya are not very good. We left Vietnam a communist state. Forcing democracy on people from the barrel of a gun does not work, especially where there has never been a tradition of democracy.