Well, despite the head cold from Hell, I’ve gotten the rest of the scripting for the redesign done. So, here it is in all of it’s new old splendor. It takes many of its design cues from previous incarnations of the site, and has that well-worn look that fits with the whole conservative theme.
It’s still a work in progress, and I do intend to tweak things here and there, so if you see anything amiss let me know.
Have a good New Years!
Looks great!
Could be just sone quirk of my configuration, but it’s not possible to get to the bottom of your page in IE (I haven’t been able to try this on another IE instance at a different location) but it renders just fine in FireFox
The IE scrolling bug should be fixed now.
The IE mangling the blogroll bug still needs to be fixed.
The IE sucking like Monica Lewinsky going down a black hole while holding an Electrolux bug will probably never be fixed… 🙂