Investigators are finding that dead people were voting in King County, Washington.
Not that it’s a big surprise, without the Undead-American vote in Chicago and Texas in 1960, JFK would have never been President. The history of the dead spontaneously rising from their graves, shambling to the polls, and voting Democrat has a long and stories history, from the machines of Tammany Hall in the 19th Century to the Zombies for Gore.
After all, when you die the first thing to go is higher brain functions, which is why the dead are such a reliably Democratic segment of the electorate.
I guess all things even out….sort of. If only the number of dead Democratic voters was as high as the tens of thousands of non-felons branded as felons by Republican election workers, Gore would have won without the help of zombies.
As for the “undead vote” in Chicago in 1960, JFK would have still won even if he didn’t carry Illinois. Like most facts, conservatives never let that one get in the way of their fantasy of decades-long persecution.
I haven’t seen Sen. Boxer’s press release of righteous indignation yet or her programmed tears for the camera. How could I have missed it? Nothing less than our democracy is at stake, I tell you.
After all, when you die the first thing to go is higher brain functions, which is why the dead are such a reliably Democratic segment of the electorate.
Aren’t you kind of jumping to conclusions? The article doesn’t say how any of these dead people “voted”.
What I find funny is the pattern – Democratic voter fraud is people voting that shouldn’t; Republican voter fraud is voting denied to those who should have it. Oh, and there’s the fact that while Democrats typically manage to sneak in about 8-10 fake votes, Republicans routinely deny hundreds or thousands their rightful franchise.
Of course, you don’t bother to show any real proof of such things, but hey, what’s proof to a nice conspiracy story.
I’m also pretty sure that the DNC is controlled by clones of Hitler made in the 1960s by a mad German scientist. Don’t have any proof, but it’s about as credible as the evil Republican conspiracy to keep people from voting…
Of course, you don’t bother to show any real proof of such things
I don’t understand. It’s common knowledge that thousands of black voters were illegally disenfranchised in Florida in the 2000 election. I’d be happy to provide the evidence but I’m not going to do all that work unless you can give me a reason to doubt something that’s so commonly accepted.
Common knowledge only for those with a partisan axe to grind.
That’s what I thought – you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
Ah, demand evidence when you’re the one making the accusation — how typical.
There is no evidence besides a bunch of conspiracy stories that indicate that there’s some Evil Republican Plot(tm) to disenfranchise black voters — and given that you have yet to produce any and have spend most of your time launching playground insults, I’m not holding my breath for it.