An Ancient Murder Mystery Solved

Scientists have determined that King Tut-ankh-amun was not murdered. Egyptologists and history buffs such as Bob Brier had suspected the possibility that Tut had been killed by a blow to the head, and archeological evidence had indicated that King Tut’s widow, Queen Ankh-sen-amen had asked for the Hittites, the traditional enemies of the Egyptians, to send a prince she could marry. The prince never arrived, and Ankh-sen-amen then disappeared from the historical record. Brier believed that Tut’s vizier, a man named Aye had the boy-king murdered and then took his place as Pharoah.

The CT scans of Tut’s remains seems to contradict that theory — if there’s no evidence of foul play, it seems far less likely that Tut was really murdered. Which then leads to the logical question – how did Pharoah Tut-ankh-amun die? Was it an infection from a broken leg? Something else entirely? Why did Ankh-sen-amen call to the Hittites so she wouldn’t have to “marry a servant?” Was she referring to Aye? Or is this piece of evidence just a red herring?

It appears that just as one fascinating question about the intrigue of Ancient Egypt is answered, a whole host of new questions are raised.

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