South Park Vs. Hippies

Captain Ed notes last night’s uproariously funny episode of South Park in which Cartman fights off a swarm of hippies, mocking Ghostbusters, The Core, Signs, and a whole host of other pop-culture references. The show even featured some veiled references to Ward Churchill’s anti-capitalist blatherings.

South Park has always been a guilty pleasure for me, and the way in which Matt Stone and Trey Parker not only cross the line of decency but tear it to shreds is strangely insightful. From skewering abortion to political correctness to “damn, dirty hippies” there’s yet to be a single sacred cow that they’ve not yet touched. Unlike The Simpsons which has become a shadow of its former self (if only they could get Conan O’Brian back as a writer!), South Park has managed to stay fresh.

That and anything that makes fun of hippies is good by me… damn dirty hippies…

7 thoughts on “South Park Vs. Hippies

  1. You know those guys are liberals, right?

    On the show they’re equal-opportunity offenders, of course.

  2. You know those guys are liberals, right?

    Actually, they’re self-described libertarian-Republicans. Liberals aren’t exactly known for their sense of humor. (John Stewart notwithstanding.)

  3. Liberals aren’t exactly known for their sense of humor.

    Actually we have some of the best comics in the business. The people not known for their sense of humor are the fundamentalist conservatives that have taken over your party.

  4. Hmm… my funniest friends are liberals… and I’ve always thought I had a decent sense of humor… then again, I’m one of those cynical neoliberals who don’t really give a damn about political correctness…

  5. You are arguing about who has the better sense of humor??

    lol…that’s just sad.

    For my money, liberals are better at comedy and in the arts generally.

    However, there are some really fine conservative comedians and actors out there.

    It would make for an interesting study, if it could be done absent an agenda, to look into why liberals tend more to the arts and to academic careers.

    And my dad could too beat up your dad!

  6. It would make for an interesting study, if it could be done absent an agenda, to look into why liberals tend more to the arts and to academic careers.

    Well, I would think it would be obvious. While liberal culture tends to glamorize, if not deify, artists and teachers, conservative culture demonizes them. “Artists are lazy potsmoking losers. Teachers are brainwashing liberal zombie masters.”

    But you’re right that it’s mostly just my-side-your-side prickwaving, at this point.

  7. Actually, I think that the truth of the matter is that Libertarians are the funniest- whether they’re card-carrying Libertarians, Con-Libs (Parker and Stone, P.J. O’Rourke), or Lib-Libs (Bill Maher, Jon Stewart)… it’s the overly-serious fringe of both sides that can’t back down and laugh at themselves and slaughter a few sacred cows that are lacking in humor…

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