Four Years

In the next few days, there are going to be some pretty substantial changes to this site, including a total rebranding. Jay has been around in one form or another for four years, since I first got bit by the blogging bug in the summer of 2001. I’ve gone from Blogger to Movable Type to WordPress. I’ve gone through roughly 10 different designs, four webhosts, and managed not to lose a single post in the process. It’s been a wild four years.

And now it’s time for a change.

Starting soon, Jay will become Single Malt Pundit. The old address will still work, and so will all the permalinks to past entries. It won’t be necessary to update blogrolls or anything of the like, unless you’ve a burning desire to do so.

What is changing is the design of the site. Truth be told, the format of the blog has been getting a little stale. Blogs are all starting to look alike, and structurally, the biggest difference between most blogs is if they have two sidebars or one. While that format works, after four years, I’m up for trying something new. The new site will be arranged more like an online magazine – a featured article at the top, with the rest of the blog contained below.

Plus, being an “online magazine” is the new black (especially since the FEC has it out for bloggers now).

The new design is nearly finalized, and the transition to the new site is scheduled to go off shortly. It’s been a great four years, and hopefully the next few years will be as good…

4 thoughts on “Four Years

  1. The girl is just some model, but the drink is whisky – single malt, I’d imagine. 🙂

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