The Value Of Tradition

You’ll notice the whole Single Malt Pundit branding has gone the way of the dodo.

As a good Burkean conservative, I’m a big believer in the value of tradition. And that’s why this site is returning to its roots after a long interregnum. The Single Malt Pundit idea was supposed to be something new and different, but it never quite became what I would have liked. So, thanks to the amazing flexibility of WordPress, it was a matter of a minute to rebrand the site and restore it to its former look.

Those who have links to needn’t change them if they don’t wish to – either domain will work.

I’m still planning on making some tweaks (when aren’t I?!), but I’ve decided that sometimes the older traditions are the best course of action, and it’s time to take this site back to its roots.

8 thoughts on “The Value Of Tradition

  1. Good to see the Conservatism with Attitude is back, it’s sure to lay a more definitive smack down on morally equivocating liberals than a Single Malt Pundit could.

  2. Now we don’t have to change “Jay Reding” to “Single Malt Pundit” on the Minnesota Organization of Blogs blogroll. As long as I’m writing you. I have a question. What state do you live in? It’s ok that you are a member of the MOB, but are you a Minnesota expat, or our westernmost member?

  3. What’s the value of tradition, exactly? Things get better over time, not worse; the only constant is change.

    Therefore, we know that abandoning tradition is generally good; were it not, we’d still be eating raw meat in caves.

  4. I really liked the look of Single Malt Pundit – the way that day’s post was featured large at the top with lovely white space, and other recent posts in a smaller format below. It was distinctive and gorgeous look that I thought was very reader-friendly, and I coveted it for my blog. I’m sorry that it’s gone – I thought the fresh design was an excellent match for your writing.

  5. I liked the old site better, too – I found the title to be a perfect match to the general level of Jay’s argumentation. You’d pretty much have to be constantly inebriated to deliver the level of screed so often posted here.

  6. I liked the old site better, too – I found the title to be a perfect match to the general level of Jay’s argumentation. You’d pretty much have to be constantly inebriated to deliver the level of screed so often posted here.

    For those wondering what it does to take to be banned from here – that sort of thing is it.

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