The Wind Does Not Respect A Fool

If ever there was a poster child for the petulant, idiotic, preening, self-destructive, and arrogant side of the Democratic Party, Markos Moulitsas would be it. The proprietor of the radical left-wing Daily Kos blog, Mr. Moulitsas is known for often letting his alligator mouth get ahead of his tadpole behind – most notably when his reaction to the brutal murder and desecration of four Americans was "screw them".

Now, the ever-disgusting Kos says that conservatives (and by extension anyone who supports this war) are “cowards”. Why are they “cowards?” For not letting Osama bin Laden kill thousands of innocents.

Would Mr. Moulitsas care to argue that terrorism is not a threat? Would he like to argue that an attack with biological weapons wouldn’t kill thousands of his fellow countrymen? Would Mr. Moulitsas seriously like to argue that on a scale of values, it’s more important that someone who is contacting known foreign terrorists have the protection of a warrant than thousands of Americans die?

Anyone with half a clue understands that we’re facing an enemy who has repeatedly stated that they’d love to kill tens of thousands of Americans with nuclear weapons. An enemy that uses our own civilian population as a shield, that has been actively creating sleeper cells in this country, and that uses the latest in technology to escape conventional detection. The argument that engaging in surveillance techniques commonly practiced by every other democratic state in the world will make us no better than George III is morally and logically idiotic.

I’ve little doubt that Markos Moulitsas would much rather see thousands of American vaporized if it meant his own radical agenda were enacted. I have little doubt that Mr. Moulitsas doesn’t give a damn about anyone who doesn’t share his radical left-wing views. I’ve no doubt that Mr. Moulitsas is one of the most singularly disgusting characters in Democratic politics today – no mean feat.

If this is what the Democratic Party really believes, and for a disgustingly large size of its base it is – then it should be clear to all why the Democratic Party is terminally “stuck on stupid” when it comes to national security. Is someone who locks their door at night a “coward” for doing so? Apparently to Kos, taking reasonable and proper precautions to avoid a major terrorist attack is somehow a sign of not only cowardice, but treachery – I’d love to see Kos make that argument to the face of someone like John McCain or Rudy Guiliani.

Kos channels Patrick Henry’s line "give me liberty or give me death" – what he means is "give our enemies liberty, even if it means thousands of American deaths." If Kos would argue that someone’s right to contact an al-Qaeda planner in Karachi is more sacrosanct that the lives of his countrymen, I have one simple response for him:

Screw you

UPDATE: Captain Ed also takes Kos to task, in no uncertain terms:

Kos loves freedom of speech when that speech agrees with him. He loves civilian control of the military when those civilians belong to MoveOn, but not when they belong to the Republican Party. In fact, Kos doesn’t like American values at all — he only uses them when convenient to his argument, but in fact would rather have a Starship Troopers (the movie) government made up of military bureaucrats making all of our decisions for us. He has no respect for those who did go to Iraq to help with security — recalling his infamous “Screw ’em” to the civilians who did believe in the mission enough to go over and help out, smearing them as “mercenaries” — and then calls those who stay home and support the mission ‘cowards’.

I’d be curious to see if Harry Reid will show up at Kos’ Vegas confab where he’s scheduled to appear – or will he do the right thing and tell Kos where to stick it?

Powerline also joins the fray:

The desire for liberty is also quintessentially American. But most Americans understand the absurdity Kos’s cheap claim that President Bush has reached “the point where he now resembles the very despot we fought in our war of independence.” How? By listening to the conversations of al-Qaeda operatives? By extending to terrorists the investigative techniques used to fight organized crime? Or are there American soldiers being quartered in Kos’s house in Berkeley?

3 thoughts on “The Wind Does Not Respect A Fool

  1. Kos’s main theme is undeniably true. He clubbed opponents over the head with some scorchingly degrading rhetoric, which seems to be what you object to most, but in your retort, you prove yourself to be cut of the same cloth. Enter this fine example of civil candor:

    “I’ve little doubt that Markos Moulitsas would much rather see thousands of American vaporized if it meant his own radical agenda were enacted. I have little doubt that Mr. Moulitsas doesn’t give a damn about anyone who doesn’t share his radical left-wing views. I’ve no doubt that Mr. Moulitsas is one of the most singularly disgusting characters in Democratic politics today – no mean feat.”

    It’s just these sort of dried-out strawmen responsible for burning half of Texas and Oklahoma this past week. In your zeal to discredit his heated propaganda, you have managed to raise the bar of inflammatory strawmen beyond what you condemn him for, thus making yourself look like the biggest buffoon of all. Pat Robertson is looking downright centrist in comparison to you these days.

  2. I stand by my statements. Kos’ reaction to the deaths of four American contractors, his use of the disgusting “chickenhawk” smear, and his argument that people like John McCain are “cowards” for wanting to protect this country from the threat of terrorism all speak for themselves. In fact, there are quite a few terms that are more inflammatory than what I said that would also describe Kos…

    Now, will Rahm Emmanuel and Harry Reid distance themselves from that jackass or will the Democratic Party embrace his idiocy?

  3. Stand by them Jay, sound like sour grape from both Mark and Markos. How is it that success is now seen as a liability for the conservatives and why would the libs choose to fight on this very topic ? Didn’t they get spanked for it last time ? They have gone over the line and now they are heading off the cliff, let them. This is 60’s redux,without the free love, drugs and rock and roll. Which was the attraction and not the political ideas of the liberal left. I can only hope that they continue to take all the daily advice from the KOS site as well as a few others. That plays so well with the masses, this primary season will be a trip.

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