President Bush’s Potty Mouth?

Apparently President Bush was caught using some off-color language to describe the situation in the Middle East.

I’m quite disappointed in the President. He was in Russia for heaven’s sake. To the Russians, cursing is an art form! If you’re going to go for it, go for it. What President Bush should have said is:

See, the f*cking irony of this completely f*cked up sh*t is what they really f*cking need to do is to get those goat-humping bastards in Syria and their limped-dicked prick of an a*shole President to get those terrorist donkey-raping motherf*ckers in Hezbollah to stop doing this f*cking sh*t. Yob tvoyu mat’, blya!

That would have greatly impressed the Russians.

7 thoughts on “President Bush’s Potty Mouth?

  1. I think in order to impress the Russians, he should have been a bit more expressive of the mat’ parts and also he should have included a couple of chui’s (which can mean anything from d!ck to c^nt) every now and then. Oh, and one or two na zdarovye’s would have helped, too.


  2. Janek: Heh… that would have been good. The Russian language has such expressive profanity… 🙂


    Sure is nice to have “honor and dignity restored to the White House”.

    I\’m sure President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, having a close working relationship, exchange curses all of the time. The only \”shock\” here is that a microphone was present to capture a moment of candor.

    Given that the previous occupant of the White House engaged in an activity that would result in the immediate public shame, firing, and humiliation of anyone in the business world who did the same thing, using a scatological reference is hardly worth mentioning except as a reminder that world leaders are still people afterall.

  3. “Given that the previous occupant of the White House…..”

    Using him as a benchmark to justify one’s own indiscretions after promising to “restore and dignity to the office” doesn’t pass the smell test. I wouldn’t care if Bush and Dick “Go f*ck yourself” Cheney hadn’t ran on the issue of Presidential piousness being a necessary virtue.

  4. “Given that the previous occupant of the White House engaged in an activity that would result in the immediate public shame, firing, and humiliation of anyone in the business world who did the same thing.”

    Not likely. Executives bone their secretaries all the time and nobody notices.

    Which reminds me- when I get that promotion to the executive directorate next spring, I’ll need to hire a hot assistant…

  5. Mark: You’re telling me that if you were elected President, you would never say a bad word? And if you did (and got caught), then you failed to bring ‘honor and dignity’ to the White House??

    Yeah, whatever. Anyone with the personality to lead also has the propensity to be extreme in their use of words. Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton, Lincoln etc etc all threw temper tantrums laced with profanity ridden language. It’s a part of the way things are, especially with men (and perhaps even Hillary Clinton!) But you have to admit, Bush was right – if Syria told Hezbollah to stop their shit, things might get a bit better over there.

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