Good Riddance

Amanda Marcotte has left her position as John Edwards campaign blogger.

I’m not surprised by this at all. I would not at all be surprised if this wasn’t a forced resignation either as a face-saving technique for the Edwards campaign. This way, Marcotte can still play the martyr without incurring the wrath of the netroots on the Edwards campaign. Politically, it would be the best way to handle this situation.

As Jeff Goldstein deftly observes, Marcotte’s pouring on the rhetoric of victimization:

Sadly, it seems, Marcotte hasn’t learned anything from this experience. Instead, she continues to see conspiracies rather than geniune outrage—and in so doing, she continues to lean on the crutch of her collective rather than taking a good hard look at her method of discourse.

Oh, I’m sure her method of discourse is quite calculated. There’s a real market for bigotry out there.

No serious Presidential candidate should have ever hired someone who after all the controversy of the last week writes dreck like this:

The Christian version of the virgin birth is generally interpreted as super-patriarchal, where god is viewed as so powerful he can impregnate without befouling himself by touching a woman, and women are nothing but vessels.

Hate speech such as that has no business in a serious Presidential campaign, and while Marcotte has her right of free speech to make all the foul and bigoted insinuations she cares to make, she was a serious liability to the Edwards campaign.

Michelle Malkin has a large collection of links on the resignation, including many from left-wing Christians who are now feeling the effects of the new wave of anti-religious bigotry in the Democratic Party. I suspect that the reality that religious faith and Democratic Party politics are moving farther and farther apart will have a much wider effect than the fallout of this minor political scandal — the more this bigotry becomes commonplace the more and more moderate and evangelical Christians will find themselves on the outside of the Democratic Party — even more so than they already are.

5 thoughts on “Good Riddance

  1. Why now?

    Edwards won the war…..big-time. Everybody was fawning over his stirring speech in front of the DNC and his deft “Meet the Press” appearance last week. Outside of the laughably insulated bubble of self-obsessed bloggers, nobody was even aware of the would-be controversy. If I was Edwards, I’d be begging Marcotte to stay onboard after the effective smackdown of right-wing bloggers feigning outrage at the alleged insensitivity towards Christians. Perhaps her ability to play martyr and rally the troops from outside of the inner circle will ultimately serve Edwards’ candidacy best. Either way though, it doesn’t matter. This story flew beneath the radar of at least 99.5% of the voting population and, like everything else blogosphere-related, would continue to right up until November 4, 2008.

    “The Christian version of the virgin birth is generally interpreted as super-patriarchal, where god is viewed as so powerful he can impregnate without befouling himself by touching a woman, and women are nothing but vessels.”

    Is this really as bad as it gets? Really? A week’s worth of breathless foot-stomping by the right-wing bloggers for this? Shiiiit!

    “I suspect that the reality that religious faith and Democratic Party politics are moving farther and farther apart will have a much wider effect than the fallout of this minor political scandal”

    You are wise to ratchet up the “Dems hate Christians” rhetoric as loudly, frequently and quickly as possible to rein in those Christian foot soldiers whose services you need once every 730 days…particularly if you follow through with your scheme to moon them by nominating a Republican Presidential candidate who lives with “Adam and Steve” and favors continued legalization of a procedure where newborns’ skulls are sliced open before their brain is vacuumed out.

  2. Edwards won the war…..big-time. Everybody was fawning over his stirring speech in front of the DNC and his deft “Meet the Press” appearance last week. Outside of the laughably insulated bubble of self-obsessed bloggers, nobody was even aware of the would-be controversy.

    Except for the several left-wing Christian organizations that complained as well. I suspect that the fallout from this will be wider than most people would think.

    Is this really as bad as it gets? Really? A week’s worth of breathless foot-stomping by the right-wing bloggers for this? Shiiiit!

    Read her site… that’s actually about the tamest thing she’s written in a while. And again, if you’re the official representative of a Presidential campaign, it’s idiotic to make comments guaranteed to offend one of your candidates most important constituencies — especially when you’re already under fire for previous comments of the sort.

    Then again, some people never learn…

    You are wise to ratchet up the “Dems hate Christians” rhetoric as loudly, frequently and quickly as possible to rein in those Christian foot soldiers whose services you need once every 730 days…particularly if you follow through with your scheme to moon them by nominating a Republican Presidential candidate who lives with “Adam and Steve” and favors continued legalization of a procedure where newborns’ skulls are sliced open before their brain is vacuumed out.

    The difference is that while Giuliani may disagree with Christians on some issues, he doesn’t treat them with contempt — the same cannot be said of the increasingly radical Democratic mainstream.

  3. Oh, I read that bizarre women’s comment. I thought at first I was supposed to be reading a movie review and wasn’t aware that she was ‘famous’. She obviously hates men and Christians, that much you could clearly tell from the review.

    I wasn’t aware of this bizarre women being associated with Edward’s presidential run but now rest assured I and everyone I know won’t be voting for him. His close association with a woman who is so narcissistic and so contemptious of Christians and men must be a indicator of his own contempt of the same. If not, he is supremely narcissistic or stupid. Either way, he won’t cut it.

    By the way, I am more agnostic than Christian and I am the very definition of liberal. I’ve always been a registered democrat. However, I been voting republican since 2002 after I come to realize it is the liberals who are the ones persecuting innocents in this country.

    I am constantly having to record my actions to prove my innocence. I was told and even researched it myself, that before the late sixties this type of guilty til you prove your innocence attitude didn’t exist. I have come to find that this attitude was legislated into existance by liberals who so ‘value’ freedom. Liars, they are pandering whores who value nothing but their own power.

    Watch these democrats: foaming at the mouth vitriol against Christians, against men, against anyone who refuses to bow down and worship at their feet and admit the superiority of their theology. Watch how quick they are to form alliances and defend people who values are in direct opposition to the values they purport to hold if it always them to retain or regain their grip on power.

    In their minds they have triumphed against Christianity and are the founders of a new religion. The one true religion. Thus spoke Barbara Streisand: “Behold, We give you a new religion for a new age for a new people that reflects the new image of the new self as the one and only true God. All others will be smitten.”

    And what an ugly image it is. It looks just Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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