Reopening Old Wounds

Wading through the fever swamp of The Daily Kos provides yet another reminder of the general intellectual vacancy of the left these days:

On this day in 1998, in a sickening display of partisanship, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton for consensual sex obstruction of justice and perjury.

The next time a corporate CEO is brought up on charges of sexually harassing a subordinate, I’d love for them to try to use the “it was consensual!” defense. I’m sure that would excuse such behavior. It’s ironic that a party that’s supposed to represent the interest of feminists is so quick to dismiss someone misusing the highest position of power in the country to avail oneself of a naïve 21-year-old intern. And by ironic, I mean reprehensible.

Not to mention that Clinton was hardly innocent—he was disbarred in Arkansas and had to step down from the Supreme Court bar before they disbarred him as well. It’s one thing to make the reasonable argument that lying in a civil deposition doesn’t justify the impeachment of a President. It’s a thin reed to hang on, but it’s something. The argument that it was “just about sex” was always a trope, and those who use it demonstrate once again that for some, partisanship eclipses all reason.

Please, commemorate this anniversary of an impeachment that should not have occurred by supporting one that is long overdue: Please sign Rep. Wexler’s petition to hold impeachment hearings on Dick Cheney.

Yes, because politicized impeachments are terrible things! So we need more of them!

The magnitude of the idiocy is astounding.

Part of me would love to see Rep. Wexler’s impeachment pipe-dream come to pass. I’d love to see the Democrats try to further politicize matters of national security, justify their own idiotic claims that Bush “lied” about something that everyone else in the world believed in, and generally make fools of themselves in an election year. Especially given that under the Constitution, Cheney would preside at his own trial.

Of course, the simple truth of the matter is this: there will never be an impeachment. Rep. Wexler and the rest of the Congressional Clown Caucus are playing Lucy to the raving left’s Charlie Brown. They’ll keep dangling that football out them to get the raving partisans fired up, but they’ll always pull it away at the last second. Why? Because they know there’s no case there, and if they actually had to defend their political rantings in an impeachment trial they’d end up looking like fools. The radical left is being played, and they’re still too mired in their own petty hatred to see it.

Not to rehash the battles of the past, but it does serve as a reminder of just how much Kool-Aid the left continues to quaff in this country.

UPDATE: Not to mention their ghoulish attempts to use those who died in Iraq as political puppets. I’d ask if they had any shame, but after all these years we all know the answer.

3 thoughts on “Reopening Old Wounds

  1. “The next time a corporate CEO is brought up on charges of sexually harassing a subordinate, I’d love for them to try to use the “it was consensual!” defense.”

    Time out. When was Clinton charged with “sexual harassment” of Monica Lewinsky?

    “the highest position of power in the country to avail oneself of a naïve 21-year-old intern.”

    Get real. If you really want raise the bar on hopeless naivete to include 21-year-olds agreeing to consensual sex, then there are a whole bunch of “naive kids” 18-21 in Iraq that need to be brought home IMMEDIATELY! Amazing how 21-year-olds having consensual sex with a superior are naive victims while 18-year-olds who can’t yet shave getting blown apart in war are worthy warriors. You people are sick.

    “Not to rehash the battles of the past…..”

    Uh….that’s exactly what you’re doing. But if you choose to rehash a battle in which your team was so soundly defeated and embarrassed, I welcome it.

    “Yes, because politicized impeachments are terrible things! So we need more of them!”

    It may not even come to impeachment. If Dick Cheney keeps burning those “lost” CIA tapes in the Eisenhower building, sooner or later he’s gonna burn up with the rest of the building.

  2. Time out. When was Clinton charged with “sexual harassment” of Monica Lewinsky?

    Which is what he did. Any corporate executive who had done the same would have been fired right on the spot.

    Get real. If you really want raise the bar on hopeless naivete to include 21-year-olds agreeing to consensual sex, then there are a whole bunch of “naive kids” 18-21 in Iraq that need to be brought home IMMEDIATELY! Amazing how 21-year-olds having consensual sex with a superior are naive victims while 18-year-olds who can’t yet shave getting blown apart in war are worthy warriors. You people are sick.

    That’s an extremely dumb argument. There’s a difference between a soldier who volunteers and is trained for combat and a naive intern being solicited by the President of the United States. Then again, the way you on the left treat our soldiers, I’m not at all surprised that your febrile minds can’t grasp the difference.

    It may not even come to impeachment. If Dick Cheney keeps burning those “lost” CIA tapes in the Eisenhower building, sooner or later he’s gonna burn up with the rest of the building.

    But everyone knows he did it because the terrorists spilled the beans about how Dick Cheney is a fortieth-level member of the Bavarian Illuminati who takes his orders directly from the Beta Reticulan Grays. Or was it the reverse vampires? I forgot what idiotic conspiracy theory of the week is making the rounds now.

  3. “There’s a difference between a soldier who volunteers and is trained for combat and a naive intern being solicited by the President of the United States.”

    That premise implies Lewinsky had no freewill in the matter. Eighteen year old high school kids (many younger than 18) are free to sign their way into combat but a 21-year-old woman who consents to hanky panky is a sex slave? You’re such a huckster!

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