A News Junkie’s New Fix

Being the news junkie that I am, amphetaDesk is rapidly becoming my favorite way to get a fix. It’s an open-source news aggregator that collects the XML feeds from sites like this one and automatically dumps the summaries to a webpage for you. In essence, it surfs every blog and news site you feed to it, and presents all the latest stories in a regularly updated brief.

I’ve tried news aggregators before, but this one has the advantage of being free and very easy to use, which is why I feel the need to shamelessly plug it on the site.

The Anti-War Movement You Don’t See

The Daily Kos goes out on a limb and criticizes anti-war protestors. Now I find myself disagreeing with Kos on quite a few things, but it’s quite refreshing to see that there’s someone against the war who doesn’t feel the need to resort to some ridiculous public spectacle to get their points across. As he says:

I just wish saner, more mainstream heads wrestled control of the movement. Right now it’s too easy to dismiss anti-war protesters and their organizers as far-left kooks. They look the part and act the part. And I don’t want to be associated with that crowd in any way.

If I were on the anti-war side of this issue, I wouldn’t blame him.