Renewing The Big Apple

Architects have come up with six proposals for rebuilding the site of the World Trade Center. The designs feature multi-use spaces for shopping, commercial space, and public buildings.

What is missing from these designs, at least what what the plans show, is the right sense of power and sweep that needs to be put into that site. What is needed for the site is something that creates a sense of unbowed pride. Something that is truly a monument not only to those who died, but what they died for. A monument that will stand for the ages as a symbol of an American people unbowed by terrorism. Still, one proposal has a grand memorial space giving a direct line of sight to the Statue of Liberty, a fitting symbol for America’s hollowed ground.

One thought on “Renewing The Big Apple

  1. I agree with the sentiments… if I was in charge, I’d advocate rebuilding- bigger than before. “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine…”

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