The bizarre case of the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui just got a little more bizarre as he has now tried to enter a guilty plea and has said that he will tell of his involvement in al-Qaeda since 1995. He does intend to fight any attempts at putting him on Death Row.
Judge Brinkema has given Moussaoui a week to think things over before finally allowing him to enter his guilty plea. Considering that she was the one who allowed him to serve as his own counsel, this kind of action isn’t too surprising. Then again, if she were to find him mentally unfit to serve as his own counsel now it could make things even worse, giving Moussaoui more license to complain of the government’s handling of the case against him.
The final analysis comes down to this: if Moussaoui wants to plead guilty, the judge has no choice but to allow him to do so. If he pleads guilty to all charges, it is likely that he will be sentenced to death, unless the recent court case banning the federal death penalty is carried farther. Zacarias Moussaoui wants to become a martyr for Islam and collect his 72 virgins. When he’s burning in the deepest part of Na’ar, the Islamic hell, he’ll have plenty of time to reconsider his guilty plea.