Go Norm!

The Star-Tribune Minnesota Poll puts Coleman neck-and-neck with Mondale in the Minnesota Senate race. Coleman is polling at 41% and Mondale is at 46%. A Minnesota Public Radio/Pioneer Press poll finds Coleman at 47% and Mondale at 41%.

This race is emmently winnable for Norm Coleman. The reaction to the Wellstone funeral/rally meant that a quarter of those polled in the Minnesota Poll became more likely to vote for Coleman. Furthermore, Monday morning at 10AM Coleman will debate Mondale, and seeing as how out of touch Mondale is and how well Coleman has done in previous debates, this could produce more momentum on his side.

I have the feeling that the winds are blowing towards the Coleman camp, and the possibility of the GOP retaking the US Senate is looking more and more likely. Then again, with the events of the past few weeks, predicting the course of this abbreviated election will be difficult indeed.

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