Sen. Bill Frist, soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader helped with victims of a rollover accident in Florida, helping stabilize the victims before rescue personnel could get to the scene.
Still, expect the usual crowd to try to drag his name through the mud as much as they can…
Why you pick on Alexander Cockburn, who Democrats don’t like either (and who seems to be trying to be funny about the cats)? Cockburn isn’t talking about the rollover. You should be picking on Atrios, who uses this to score a point about tort reform.
your loyal Atriette,
Matt Weiner
ps Thanks for the Mozilla tip.
Utter an ethnic slur and you get a (well deserved) footnote in the infamy section of the history books but admit that you adopted homeless kittens from shelters and then sliced them up in your basement and America yawns and checks to see whether Brooke Burke is showing her tits on the E! channel. Go figure.