More on The Passion

Mel Gibson is claiming that he’s facing attack for his film on the life of Jesus. Just who is responsible isn’t clear from the article (and I didn’t catch the O’Reilly interview…). Still, it’s somewhat shocking to see that somebody would go to such lengths over the film.

Based on the interest I’ve seen in this project, The Passion could be a phenominally popular film, even if it is in Latin and Aramaic. However, making a film on a religious subject is almost always a dangerous thing. Just look at the outrage over such works as The Last Temptation of Christ, a film that the protestors completely misunderstood and was based upon one of the most fascinating and faith-filled novels on the life of Christ.

If anything, all the uproar is only likely to increase interest in the film, which based on what I’ve seen could be a good thing. Gibson is a very talented director, and if he stays true to the Biblical source material The Passion could be a masterpiece of Christian filmmaking.

3 thoughts on “More on The Passion

  1. Well,… I *was* real excited and happy about this undertaking of Mel’s until I got on the internet to search out the information on ‘The Passion’. First of all, it isn’t based on the Holy Bible (thus my biggest disappointment), but rather, it is based on a *Catholic* “saint” (the Holy Bible calls ALL believers/followers of Jesus saints, … while Catholics only call those *they* ‘venerate’ (establish and vote on by their means, usually after thier death) … the “Catholic Saint Anne Catherine Emmerich”; it is *her* book that the movie is based on.


    My second disappointment is that people actually think Jesus and his disciples went around speaking in *Latin*? Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew, yes — but not Latin! The original ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ were transferred *into* Latin BY THE CATHOLICS to keep the ‘ordinary man’ from being able to read them/understand them, for pete’s sake! That’s part of what caused ‘The King James’ Version’ to be done, as well as the ‘Protestant Reformation’, people! Scripture wasn’t meant for only the so-called holy people to know — it was for everyone, … so that *everyone* could understand sin (and it’s problems and end result) versus the way God meant for us to live.

    The Bible began as a *Jewish* story, of course, as the Old Testament only, prophesying that one day a Messiah would come. When Jesus finally came, of course he *came* to the Jewish (Hebrew) people first. Most of the Hebrews (who spoke Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic — *not* Latin — look up ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ information, for heaven’s sake!) rejected Jesus as the Messiah (in Greek, ‘Yeshua’ is ‘Jesus’, and ‘Messiah’ is ‘Christ’ — hence ‘Jesus Christ’).

    Even up until Jesus’ crucifiction, he spoke to very few non-Jews at all (for example, the Samaritan woman at the well, and the Canaanite woman.) Example Insert Below:

    Matthew 15

    22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”
    23Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”
    24He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
    25The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.
    26He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.”
    27″Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.”
    28Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

    It wasn’t until the Apostle Paul — after Jesus’ death — was sent by God to ‘the Gentiles’ (all non-Jews) — that the rest of the world got as much attention as the Hebrews. Peter was also told by God in a vision that a ‘non-Jew’ was ‘clean’ and should be listened to/included — a man by the name of Cornelius. These people, these disciples, these new converts, … they did not go around speaking in Latin! Look it up yourselves. They were Jews living in places where Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew were the languages of the day.

    The oldest manuscripts of the New Testament are in Greek. But in the time of Jesus, the Roman Empire had not become divided into two halves. The center of the Empire was still Rome. The Roman and Greek languages are very difficult. If Roman influence had at all penetrated Jewish life, it should have resulted in the assimilation of Latin (and not Greek) words into the Hebrew language. Yet the oldest manuscripts of the Gospels are all in Greek. This proves that the Gospels were written down at a time when the Roman Empire had become divided and its eastern possession had become part of the Greek Empire, so that the Greek language had begun to exert its influence on Christianity and its literature.

    I’m sorry to be so *passionate* about my disappointments of ‘The Passion’, … I certainly don’t mean to come across as angry. I’m not angry, … but disappointed and frustrated — yes. I cannot understand how people get so confused and don’t even take the time to get thier knowledge straight before taking off on such a major and important project and/or singing it’s accolades.

    Anyway,… I’m *still* glad Mel is making the movie! Jesus said, ‘whoever is not against us is with us’, and I know this has plenty of Biblical *references* in it, even if it isn’t pure Scripture. I plan on seeing it. I hope someone gets some subtitles in at some point! hehe

    God Bless,

    A Christian (Christlike) person following the Messiah, Jesus (or as the Jews say, ‘Yeshua’).

  2. I commend Mel Gibson for taking on the job of making this film. I have only seen previews and in the 30 seconds I did see, I can say that my spirit wept and my soul grieved for my Christ. I found myself worshiping with a renewed enthusiasim that I haven’t felt in quite some time. I pray that the movie will reach the unreachable and spark an interest that will lead them to the Bible for answers.
    God Bless,
    A fellow Christian

  3. God Bless Mel Gibson we could feel deeply about the Passion…As a Catholic , I was not shocked at
    the violence ,but appreciated the fact that it was shown…I pray many people will get back into scripture & be grateful for all we have …
    Jesus visually can be seen as how greatly he did suffer,once again thank Mel Gibson you are a credit to the human race for showing the humanity of Jesus …

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