It looks like Anne Coulter’s new book Treason has beaten Hillary Clinton’s screed on the Amazon bestseller list, running just behind Harry Potter and John Steinbeck. I give it a week before Hillary starts complaining about the VRWC again…
It looks like Anne Coulter’s new book Treason has beaten Hillary Clinton’s screed on the Amazon bestseller list, running just behind Harry Potter and John Steinbeck. I give it a week before Hillary starts complaining about the VRWC again…
People reading Ann Coulter’s book? For reasons other than pure entertainment? I’d say it must be a part of the Vast Moronicism Conspiracy(tm). Hillary’s book included.
Amazon Sales Ranks
Hillary Clintons Book = 4
Ann Coulter’s Book = 3
Barnes and Noble Sales Ranks
Hillary Clintons Book = 3
Ann Coulter’s Book = 22
What a curious incongruity!