2 thoughts on “Science Used For Evil

  1. I was at a new fangled “Irish Pub” in a booming Northwestern Suburb(tm) on their new revitalized Main Street.

    A pint of Guiness was $5.50. Even with the conversion, I didn’t pay that much for a pint when I was in the UK recently.

    I commented to the barkeep (it was about 4:30) “Is that the happy hour price?”

    “We don’t have a happy hour. That’s the regular price. We charge a little more but you get a bigger pint here than most other places in town, including that brew pub.”

    “You can’t serve a bigger pint here.”

    “Yes, we do.”

    “No you don’t. A pint is a pint. 16 oz is 16 oz. You can’t have a pint that’s bigger than 16 oz. The other bars might have a smaller glass of beer but they aren’t serving a smaller pint.”

    “Well, nobody else pours you a Guiness with a shamrock on top in a Guiness stamped glass served to you with the badge to the front…” etc.

    Thanks, I’ll keep drinking at my local bar. Beers are $2.00 a pour, happy hour $1.00.

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