Culture Of Terror

Laurence Simon finds UNICEF paying for a Palestinian children’s camp named after a suicide bomber.

The Palestinian Authority [PA] has named a summer camp for girls after the first woman suicide bomber – Wafa Idris. Idris murdered 1 and injured over 150 in Jerusalem, when she blew herself up on January 27, 2002. This is a continuation of PA policy of naming educational programs, schools, and summer camps after terrorists, including, suicide bombers.

The camp received UN funding through UNICEF.

The Palestinian government is fostering a culture of death where the highest aspiration is to kill oneself and take a few Jews with you. Such an ideology makes peace impossible – how can you make peace with those that your government tells you are less than human and must be killed at all costs? Exactly where does such an ideology leave room for compromise or negotiation.

The short answer is that it doesn’t, and as long as the Palestinian Authority and those who abet them continue to support this culture of death, a lasting peace will be impossible.

UPDATE: Those who want to support organizations dedicated to saving lives rather than ending them would do well to support Magen David Adom in this year’s Blogathon. Laurence Simon, Meryl Yourish, and Michele of A Small Victory are also contributing to purchase a new ambulance for MDA.

15 thoughts on “Culture Of Terror

  1. Until you can show me that the camp itself is doing wrong by intention, I will see no wrong with UNICEF. The only wrong here was by the PA for renaming it as such.

  2. “I’d be even happier if someone could find me a charity that buys Israel bullets and missiles.”

    here is a good charity organisation for funding the mass killing of palestinian:the American government

    I’m sure that, if you want , you can participate in a safari with Tsahal, just in case you want some nice souvenirs back home.

    Blewing yourself with an explosiv belt is not something anyone would do for fun. Think about what kind of reason could possibly make you act the same? I think that if my mum died buried in my own house by a missile, because tsahal was looking for ONE terrorist, and thus blew the whole neighborhood, that my father was beaten and arrested because he was blaming israel for that, and treateed then as a terrorist, I would be pissed too.
    It looks very bad on TV to see these images of bombing dowtown. What you don’t see is the water cut for 2 weeks in palestinian villages just before it’s time to harvest, the road that can only be used by israelis, the olive trees cut down because ONE tank had to make his way RIGHT THERE (and not on the road 2 yards left)…and so on and on and on.

    Ariel Sharon has several layers of dry and fresh blood on his hands. he’s not a friendd of peace. he never was. he’s no better than arafat; he’s just the same.
    and Spoon is a supporter of killings, mass murder, fanatism (yeah, the israelis government is a religiously fanatic one: the same kind that lead christianity to hell during middle-age, islam in the WTC…).
    a jewish friend of mine (by my side right now)is terrified to read what you wrote. he says you’ve obliously never been there, never will, and wouldn’t deserve it anyway. guys like you deserve nothing but what you wish to others(e.g. bullets and missiles)

  3. …If by any chance you meant the opposite,(a charity organisation buying weapons BEFORE israel actually uses it), then my message goes to those that support dictatorships only when made by friends.

  4. …mass killing of palestinian…

    What mass killing is this? If there was a mass killing – there would be no intifadah. Look at Black September. King of Jordan massacred them – there was no intifadah.

    Blewing yourself with an explosiv belt is not something anyone would do for fun.

    No, they do it for Allah.

    …the road that can only be used by israelis…

    Maybe if pallies would quit sniping at Israeli motorists they would have the access to the road?

    …the olive trees cut down because ONE tank had to make his way…

    Good one. You are making stuff up as you go. Why would IDF cut down trees for a tank? A tank can go through olive trees – no problem. The reason for cutting down trees/bush is because of sniping attacks. Kind of hard to snipe from an open area, isn’t it?

    the israelis government is a religiously fanatic one: the same kind that lead christianity to hell during middle-age, islam in the WTC…

    Go on. Do elaborate.

  5. …a jewish friend of mine (by my side right now)is terrified to read what you wrote.

    Really, Vincent. Weak. As if your friend being Jewish makes him immune from stupidity or gives him (or you, by association) credibility. Weak.

  6. “If there was a mass killing – there would be no intifadah”

    obviously the job is not done yet!! still a few thousands to go! if there was no mass killing, there would be no intifada, that’s for sure.

    “they do it for Allah”(blew themselves up)

    I have muslims friends, and Allah doesn’t requires them to do that!! that kind of behavior can only be seen as an act of desperation, not of faith. the construction of islam as an identity is recent, and mostly created in reaction to jewish fanatism.

    “Maybe if pallies would quit sniping at Israeli motorists they would have the access to the road?”

    do you think all palestinians are snipers? this is a collective punishment, which is the most unfair of all (nazis used to do that).

    “tank/olive trees”

    first of all, you say that I’m making this up, and then, you give me the correct explanation for it…did I really made it up, or did you heard that fact before?
    You are totally right though, but my limited vocabulary prevented me from using the right term: the tank did it all by himself, indeed!(if you don’t believe me, I’ll find the press article stating this fact=40 olive trees down)the reason to do that? sniper covering(see above on the “sniper” excuse), or more practically: starve people or make them leave: cutting the water at the worst moment for crop – 4 days is enough – or cut down olive trees -it take 50 years to get the first olive – or just cut the road from the farm to the marketplace. I’m not making up any of these facts (who do you think I am? W?). there are many ways of doing things used by the israeli government that are absolutely insane, and arguments like “it’s because of snipers that this village is not gonna get any food for one year” just doesn’t sound right to me. For example, when (mass) arrestation in Jenin occured, people with no ID were…numbered!!!(this fact has been reported by many agencies, including MDM and HRW)good idea isn’t it? They took many ideas from the germans’best ones…now they’re building a wall!!

    religious fanatism/”Go on. Do elaborate”

    what don’t you understand: fanatism means mass killing of protestant and jews in europe during the middle-age, exploitation of anger/poverty/non-education of the population today leading to the WTC attack. Maybe you don’t agree on the fact that israel’s government include fanatics? look at the name of their party! In any case, economic growth, education and openess are the only weapons against fanatism. violence just help it grow and spread.

    “As if your friend being Jewish makes him immune from stupidity ”

    this is definitely not my point. I wrote that in response to what I thought was the first comment on this article- and I probably mistaken. Being jewish is not a proof of stupidity or cleverness. But dress yourself with a flag (just like this blog) and expose theories in the name of it -at least it appears like that – is illegitimate.

    sorry this was a bit long, but I have enough of your accusations: I love jews, I love arabs, I love americans…don’t try to make me the defender of terrorism/islamism because this is not what I am at all. I want peace, and this will not happen if people keep punish the “ennemy” collectively. I don’t think that peace will occur with the creation of a palestinian state (that will look like swiss cheese anyway=who would be proud of and agree on a country consisting of a few cities not related to each other, where the police is made by the neighbours?).
    What should be done is a unique state, democratic, where fanatism would not be tolerated, and where both arabs and jews (and christians as well) could live and prosper in peace.
    interestingly enough, you didn’t felt like answering on peaceful A.Sharon…well, we can’t talk about everything right?

  7. obviously the job is not done yet!! still a few thousands to go!

    Huh? What are you babbling about. Get your facts straight. There is no “mass killing”.

    I have muslims friends, and Allah doesn’t requires them to do that!!

    Are we talking about your friends?

    that kind of behavior can only be seen as an act of desperation, not of faith.

    Yea. I guess every evil act can be seen as an “act of desperation”. Let’s feel bad for the nazis. I guess they killed off tens of millions in WW2 because they were “desperate” – not because of their idealogy.

    the construction of islam as an identity is recent, and mostly created in reaction to jewish fanatism.

    LOOOOOOOL. Nice one. I guess Nazism was created in reaction to “jewish fanatism”, too. Interesting. So conflicts involving muslims in Kashmir, Chechnya, Spice Islands, Philipines, Israel, Lebanon are all a muslim response to “jewish fanatism”? Note that they all use the same tactics against civilians.
    Please elaborate on Jewish fanatism. What is it?

    do you think all palestinians are snipers? this is a collective punishment, which is the most unfair of all

    But not taking any action against terrorists is a collective punishment for Jewish civilians. But who cares, right?

    first of all, you say that I’m making this up,

    You said that Israelis cut olive trees for tanks.

    and then, you give me the correct explanation for it…

    I said that they cut trees not for tanks but to prevent Palestinians from sniping at civilians (cutting them for tanks makes no sense, cause a tank can go through those trees easily)

    did I really made it up, or did you heard that fact before?

    The fact that they cut those trees to prevent sniping attacks I heard before, the “fact” that they cut them for a tank to go through – you made up. All cleared up?

    starve people or make them leave

    Is that so? The GDP of Palestinians (prior to intifadah) was 4 higher then that of their fellow arabs in neighboring arab countries. Jordanians and Egyptians try to sneak in daily to find jobs in Israel/West Bank/Gaza.
    Did you know that West Bank had no indoor plumbing or electricity prior to 1967? West Bank did not have a single university prior to 1967, either. Now they have several universities. How do you reconcile these facts with your allegation that Israel is trying to starve people or make them leave??? Why would Israel raise their standard of living if that was the case? How come
    they didn’t have a single university prior to the occupation? And now they have several?

    For example, when (mass) arrestation in Jenin occured, people with no ID were…numbered!!!

    So? Why don’t you stop for a second and take a deep breath. Guess what? I have a number too. Social Security number. I also have a telephone number. My driving license has a number as well. These numbers identify me as me. Prisoners have numbers on their uniforms – do they not? I bet you have similar documents at where ever you are from. Do these documents have numbers? Or not?

    They took many ideas from the germans’best ones…

    Uh. Your mind is warped. Giving somebody a number is very different from tattooing or branding (burning) a number into the skin permanently! Will you argue with me here?

    what don’t you understand: fanatism means mass killing of protestant and jews in europe during the middle-age

    Ok. What does that have to do with the discussion at hand?

    exploitation of anger/poverty/non-education of the population

    Poverty? Palestinians had a 4x GDP of their non-occupied neighbors in Jordan and Egypt. Non education? They had no universities *prior* to 1967. Once again, you are ignorant of facts.

    look at the name of their party!

    What’s the name of their party?

    But dress yourself with a flag (just like this blog)

    What’s wrong with a flag? A flag is a national symbol. If Jay wants to display his solidarity with particular nations, why not? I thought we were a free society?

    I want peace, and this will not happen if people keep punish the “ennemy” collectively.

    Peace will not happen if you reward terrorism. Pacifism does not work. In fact, pacifism is the reason for WW2. If Palestinians are serious about peace, then they should combat their fanatics. But they are not.

    What should be done is a unique state, democratic, where fanatism would not be tolerated, and where both arabs and jews (and christians as well) could live and prosper in peace.

    That state exists. Its called Israel. 20% of Israelis are muslims. There are Christians as well. Perhaps you would like to research the sharp drop of Bethlehem’s Christian population which took place after Bethlehem was put under Arafat’s authority.

    you didn’t felt like answering on peaceful A.Sharon…well, we can’t talk about everything right?

    Vincent. Are you on medication? I don’t want to insult you, but you said:

    Ariel Sharon has several layers of dry and fresh blood on his hands. he’s not a friendd of peace. he never was. he’s no better than arafat; he’s just the same.

    Where’s is this Sharon question that you claim I did not respond to? Go ahead. Point it out. Perhaps I am simply not smart enough to see a question in the above.

  8. Well, I guess Vincent is not going to respond to facts. He’s only good at foaming at the mouth and spewing his propoganda.
    So, Vincent… So where’s that Sharon question you claimed I ignored? Or was that another one of your statements that was not based on facts?

  9. Vincent, so you admit that you claimed that I didn’t answer a question which in fact you didn’t actually ask? tsk.. tsk.. Lying won’t get you anywhere.
    Why don’t you respond to some facts in my post? Scroll up. What’s the matter? Having a hard time reconciling your propoganda with truth?

  10. you want my quotes on your quotes from my original statement(based on quotes…this is kind of confusing after awhile…
    don’t worry, every single point is to be discussed.

  11. Vincent. Its simple. You claim that you posed a question on Sharon which I ignored. I proved that you did not, in fact, pose any question regarding Sharon. Is this not so? What’s so complicated?

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