Yes, it is a really slow day for news (unless you give a pair of fetid dingo’s kidneys about Kobe Bryant, which I don’t). At least we get a nice Uruguayan backside in the process.
Yes, it is a really slow day for news (unless you give a pair of fetid dingo’s kidneys about Kobe Bryant, which I don’t). At least we get a nice Uruguayan backside in the process.
Fetid dingo’s kidneys!! Give me a moment to recover from that image.
I don’t give a damn about Kobe’s issues either.
Thanks for the link.
The dingo’s kidneys… you stole that from Douglas Adams, didn’t you? Filthy thief – but at least it is a great source to be stealing from!
And anyway, while it may be a slow *news* day, it certainly is not a day lacking importance, historically speaking. Wasn’t it today some years back (in 1945 – you do the math…) that the first nuclear bomb was ever used? Now there is something to write about, methinks.