Arnold’s Economic Plans

Arnold Schwarzenegger has given his first major press conference in which he has outlined in his economic plan for the state of California.

Any doubt that Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t the right person for this job has just been erased in my mind. We finally have confirmation that Arnold is the governor who would streamline regulations, hold the line on taxes, and ensure that California’s budget is kept under control. He has stated that the government has overtaxed and overspent, and he will call a special section of the California legislature to manage the massive problems with California’s worker’s compensation rules.

Even more promising, he’s advocated a constitutional limit on state spending along the lines of Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. This is a policy that could ensure the stability of California’s financial future and is a policy that can help Schwarznegger capture the conservative vote he needs to win.

So far his policies are exactly what are needed. He’s stated that he is against raising taxes, he gave Warren Buffett a jibe about his statements on California’s Proposition 13, and he has said that he intends to make California a better state for small business.

While one poll has Cruz Bustamante in the lead, Arnold is going to have the Ventura effect working for him. Young voters are going to emerge in droves to vote for Arnold, while small business owners, financial conservatives, and many moderate swing voters all have much to admire in Schwarzenegger’s policies.

2 thoughts on “Arnold’s Economic Plans

  1. Most entertainers aren’t running for governor, getting advice from some of the world’s best economists, and don’t have a shred of common sense.

    Arnold’s shown that he can pass the bar to be considered a real political force – now the real question becomes if he’ll stick to his guns.

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