Al-Jazeera is airing a previously-unaired video of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri along with a new audiotape from Zawahiri.
From the background images, it is clear that the video was taken in the spring of either this year of last year. The grass and flowers in the backgrounds are typical of spring in Afghanistan.
Based on the appearance of bin Laden, it is possible that this tape was made earlier than this year – especially as his beard looks significantly more black than it did in the last known bin Laden video. It could well be that this tape was filmed as early as the spring of 2001 and not recently.
Still, bin Laden is more than likely alive, and quite possibly plotting more attacks. We need to continue to put further pressure on al-Qaeda, we need to continue to hunt down and execute al-Qaeda terrorists and leaders, and continue to ensure that the war on terror takes place on their front door and not ours.
yeah, please make sure all these things you’re talking about happen (“We need to continue to put further pressure on al-Qaeda, we need to continue to hunt down and execute al-Qaeda terrorists and leaders, and continue to ensure that the war on terror takes place on their front door and not ours”). It seems to be so efficient. 2/3 of Al-Qaeda’s members are dead according to the US. I wonder why attacks have multiplied so much around the world?
But anyway, you’re on the right track: kill them all! (you democratic american soldier of the peace and the willing)