The EU’s watchdog group on racism is suppressing a report on increasing anti-Semitism in Europe. Why? Because the report noted that some of the sources of anti-Semitic violence were anti-Israeli activists and unassimilated Muslisms.
“There is a trend towards Muslim anti-semitism, while on the left there is mobilisation against Israel that is not always free of prejudice,” said one person familiar with the report. “Merely saying the perpetrators are French, Belgian or Dutch does no justice to the full picture.”
Some EUMC board members had also attacked part of the analysis ascribing anti-semitic motives to leftwing and anti-globalisation groups, this person said. “The decision not to publish was a political decision.”
So, in other words, the EU is shelving a report because they don’t like that it criticizes the sort of causes that the EU intelligentsia support.
Then again, when a darling of the EU left like Tariq Ramadan has ties to al-Qaeda and is widely known for his radical anti-Semitic rantings it is hardly surprising that the EU is willing to whitewash the rampant anti-Semitism of the far left.
“In addition to having a number of family deaths among them, the Democrats’ other big idea – too nuanced for a bumper sticker – is that many of them have Jewish ancestry. There’s Joe Lieberman: Always Jewish. Wesley Clark: Found Out His Father Was Jewish in College. John Kerry: Jewish Since He Began Presidential Fund-Raising. Howard Dean: Married to a Jew. Al Sharpton: Circumcised. Even Hillary Clinton claimed to have unearthed some evidence that she was a Jew – along with the long lost evidence that she was a Yankees fan. And that, boys and girls, is how the Jews survived thousands of years of persecution: by being susceptible to pandering.”
Ann Coulter: not anti-Semitic at all. Good thing this is just a European problem.
Yes, because Ann Coulter being snarky is the equivalent of fire-bombing a school. The last time I checked Ann Coulter wasn’t causing Jews to live in fear of walking around while wearing skullcaps while the anti-Semitism that is poisoning Europe is.
What did you find to be anti-semetic in that quote?
“And that, boys and girls, is how the Jews survived thousands of years of persecution: by being susceptible to pandering.” “There’s Joe Lieberman: Always Jewish.” Right, someone actually including their faith in their politics is “pandering,” unless they’re Republican.
“Al Sharpton: Circumcised.” Way to engage the substance of the debate. Is she actually arguing that Sharpton is campaigning on being snipped?
“Howard Dean: Married to a Jew.” Howard Dean: Married to a girl he fell in love with at medical school, well over a decade before entering local politics. How great is it that he planned his pandering so far into the future?
Ann is calling any of the Democratic figures with Jewish ties “panderers.” Someone who’s always followed his faith to an almost extreme level is a panderer. Someone who married a Jewish girl years before entering public life is a panderer. A circumcised candidate who provides plenty of LEGITIMATE reasons to complain is a panderer. Well, he is a panderer, but arguing that Sharpton is trying for the Jewish vote is like arguing that George Bush is after the heckler vote because he said “I love free speech” when heckled.
And no, Jay, what she writes isn’t as bad as firebombing any structure, but that doesn’t make it right, just relatively less serious. Then again, I’m fairly comfortable thinking that nobody actually listens to what Ann Coulter says anymore–even I respect conservatives enough to expect them to spot a blond bullshit artist in their midst.
Ann is calling any of the Democratic figures with Jewish ties “panderers.”
Come on. All of them amazingly have Jewish roots. I think she had a valid point with Hillary and Clark.
Someone who married a Jewish girl years before entering public life is a panderer. A circumcised candidate who provides plenty of LEGITIMATE reasons to complain is a panderer.
She was being humorous when she added those two. Come on, all her articles are very dry and sarcastic.
I don’t detect any anti semitism. I think you are reading too far into it.
She might have been trying to be humorous with Sharpton. I don’t read her as being humorous about Judy Steinberg Dean. And you still haven’t addressed how calling Joe Lieberman a “panderer” to Jews is not anti-semetic, seeing as how her description of his pandering is being “always Jewish.” Shit, by Ann’s standards, I’m a panderer. But by my standards she’s a hack, so I’m fine with it.
I don’t read her as being humorous about Judy Steinberg Dean
She was referring to everybody’s Jewish “links”. Sure, some examples are filler material.
And you still haven’t addressed how calling Joe Lieberman a “panderer” to Jews is not anti-semetic, seeing as how her description of his pandering is being “always Jewish.”
Give me a break. Back to the quote:
In addition to having a number of family deaths among them, the Democrats’ other big idea – too nuanced for a bumper sticker – is that many of them have Jewish ancestry. There’s Joe Lieberman: Always Jewish. Wesley Clark: Found Out His Father Was Jewish in College. John Kerry: Jewish Since He Began Presidential Fund-Raising. Howard Dean: Married to a Jew. Al Sharpton: Circumcised. Even Hillary Clinton claimed to have unearthed some evidence that she was a Jew – along with the long lost evidence that she was a Yankees fan.
She claims that Democrats pander to Jews. She proceeds to state how these candidates link themselves to Judaism. Lieberman happens to be Jewish. Hence, while Clark found out his father was a Jew while in college and Hillary dug up some roots very recently… Lieberman was always Jewish. What’s so anti semetic about that? Has Lieberman not always been Jewish?
When the first example she gives of Jewish pandering is somebody actually belonging to that group, I consider it anti-semitic, and most of the other Jews I’ve shown that quote to, regardless of political affiliation, have agreed with me. Thus, I don’t worry too much about it, since Ann Coulter is a laughable hack. I just think it’s important to call these things when we see them, so long as it doesn’t detract from fighting the more extreme forms of racism and anti-semitism. Calling some of her examples “filler” (much like the rest of her articles–pure filler) doesn’t diminish the fact that they are rude and disrespectful to those who happen to be Jewish, BECAUSE they happen to be Jewish. When attempting to take down the Democratic party for pandering to Jews, she mentions being Jewish as an example.
I can’t figure out for the life of me, Stan, why the hell you’d be defending that.
You really can’t see what is anti-semitic in Coulter’s diatribe? Here’s a short history lesson. For the past several thousand years, the Jews have been enslaved, baited, beaten, subject to forced conversions, expulsions and torture and death from Grand Inquisitions, violent repeated pogroms, social ostracism and the intended anihilation of their entire population. Coulter now, in an effort to aid her far right Republican soul mates, takes the same tack used so well by fascists throughout the ages: associate the opposition with the evil Jew — cash in on the undercurrent of anti-semitism which exists in most cultures beneath the surface. Worse that that, however, Coulter trivializes the Jewish experience by jovially suggesting that the Jews have managed to survive all these years by allowing the powers-that-be to pander to them. The logic of that statement would be laughable if the underlying message were not so very hateful, i.e., that it was not any POSITIVE trait among Jews that sustained them in the face of unceasing persecution. No, of course not. It was the fact that there are entire classes of powerful people out there just dying to pander to the Jewish people — and Jews have survived due to their willingness to accept the benefits thereof. Um, hey Coulter, interesting historical perspective. Wrong, a lie, a slander, a horrible perpetuation of anti-semitism, but an interesting historical perspective. Shame on you, Ann Coulter, for regurgitating that garbage and shame on the rest of you for pretending not to see it for what it is.
Blah blah blah.
Poor Jews. Somebody says anything about any Jew that any other Jew doesn’t see as complimentary and all of a sudden we have an anti-Semitic incident.
Jews are now a bunch of crybabies who cry not because they’re hurt, but because their whining serves to convince the foolish that Jews are all permanent victims, and to obscure the fact that Israel exists only because it has perfected the art of reaping the largess provided by everyone else’s misplaced guilt.
Get over it. Believe it or not, there are a whole bunch of us out here who aren’t buying it. The fact is that it isn’t even a matter of religion for most of us. As for myself, I’m not really religious at all. Aside from Christmas, which has now gotten so far away from its true meanings that many kids think that it’s about former coke-dealer Tim Allen, I don’t celebrate any major religious holiday.
That said, I do believe that the overall teachings of Christianity provide a stable social order for all Americans.
They (the Van Pattens) say that history repeats itself. If Jews think otherwise, then they had better consider that a slight deviation from history is as likely to end in absolute defeat, as it is to end in the ultimate victory that they believe to be their birthright.
Any criticism of Jewish supremacism is immediately condemned as “anti-Semitism.” The chronic media recital of the horrors of the Holocaust has made the term “anti-Semitic” morally equivalent to the endorsement of mass murder. The word itself shuts down reason and is so flagrantly overused that it is even used against those who simply protest Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians. As soon as any criticism is directed at Jews, the author is called an anti-Semitist. Needless to say, this is an extremely calculated strategy employed to escape and avoid constructive criticism.
Now before all of you misguided gentiles get all bent out of shape over the words of this “anti-Semite” do yourselves a favor and get an unbiased translation of the Talmud.
Jewish fundamentalists look to the day when all of the churches are destroyed in Israel and all the Arab Palestinians uprooted form “Jewish land.” Furthermore, they quote Biblical passages in order to justify a Jewish Middle Eastern empire that would dominate the Sinai, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, parts of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The Hebron murderer, Baruch Goldstein, and assassin, Yigal Amir, based their actions on precepts taken from Jewish fundamentalist teachings from revered figures such as Moses ben Maimon. The fact is that Judaism’s more controversial teachings are intentionally omitted from English language sources because they cast an unfavorable light upon Israel, Jews, and Judaism that many Jews in political positions and influence would wish to avoid.
I don’t have any problem with any religion as long as it teaches fairness and honesty toward all people, but if you think that Judaism is a righteous religion, here’s just one excerpt of a supposedly unsupported accusation against the Talmud as explained away by a self-destructive gentile. There’s only one problem with his explanation; it asks you to believe that it is justified due to the fact that non-Jews have no right to the word of God. Can you imagine anything more idiotic?
Accusation: Sanhedrin 59a says, “A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.”
Response: The quote from Sanhedrin does say that a gentile may not study torah but the other sources do not exist. There is no practical death penalty for this offense. The penalty stated is only a term of speech stated in order to indicate the severity of the sin. A gentile may study the laws regarding the 7 Noahide commandments as stated and he will merit great everlasting bliss for this, however he may not study the laws of Judaism. The basic reason for prohibiting the study of Torah is because it is a special covenant between God and his chosen people. Anyone who is not affiliated with the chosen people is regarded a thief.
A thief?
Wake up gentiles. You don’t owe Jews anything more than the fairness and common courtesy that most of them think you are unworthy of.
In closing, let me leave you a link to a letter written by one distinguished Jew to another. It is very slow at the beginning, and I doubt if most of your Bernie-Mac-addled brains will be able to get through it, but half way through, it gets down to a fact-by-fact reasoning of why Jesus was not a Jew. To tell you the truth, I really wouldn’t care if Jesus had been a Jew who saw “The Light,” a non-Jew who saw “The Light,” God’s son, or God himself. (I take back the last two, as absolute proof of Jesus being the Son of God or God himself would be welcome knowledge for me and for any other human being searching for a higher power. Yeah, yeah, I know, but let’s not get into the “faith” issue here…) Jews, however, have made it a priority to propagate the lie of Jesus as Jew in order to mask the fact that their Talmudic beliefs have zero in common with Christianity.
Yeah, I know, I know. Christians as a group have in the past and still do perpetrate vile crimes against other peoples. I have only to say that those incidents are political and rely on the corruption of organizational power, and a bastardization and/or disavowal of the Bible’s teachings. The Talmud, on the other hand, teaches Jews that they may victimize non-Jews, with moral and ethical impunity.
Rachel Corrie
(Remember me?)
Wow. Complete hatred of an entire group of people for no apparent reason other than it must make you feel so good to hate. It always surprises me when people who can read and write and who must function to some level in society are capable of such evil. Your parents must be very proud of you.
I’m not surprised that your response is textbook subterfuge. Accusing your detractors of your own sins is a well-known propaganda tactic. Did you see the word “hate” in my posting? I can’t find it, so if you felt it, maybe you’d better examine your own guilty psyche. What’s the old saying? Oh yeah: “When presented with overwhelming evidence as to one’s guilt; deny, deny, deny.”
Not only do you fail to counter any of my statements, you totally disregard the very reality that the Talmud contains some of the most racist, self-serving, and corrupt teachings known to man, choosing instead to call me a bad person. Well excuse me if I don’t feel too hurt by your hollow condemnation.
Get a grip man. Everyone knows that most so-called “Jews” have no genetic connection to the Jews of the Bible. It can be extrapolated from this fact that my indictment of Jews is, therefore, an indictment of their belief structure, and not of their genetic structure.
In closing, let me thank you for showing yourself to be a total idiot undeserving of any further “debate.”
To wit:
It won’t surprise me if you once again address me as “Rachel” in your reply since it seems that you pay as much attention to what I write as you do to what even you cannot deny as reality. FYI, Rachel Corrie was the young, peace-loving girl who was run over by an Israeli tank after she tried to prevent the destruction of a Palestinian doctor’s home. I guess that you missed the story as it “unexplainably” disappeared faster than chocolate at a weight-Watcher’s meeting.
How insensitive! I think that “Rachel” just made light of the problems of the “weight-challenged,” or whatever double-speak term guilt merchants like you are currently hawking. Well boohoo crybaby, keep on whining because that’s what right-minded people hear when they read posts like yours. No, you’ll find no quarter in a venue such as this. What you need is a one-way platform that allows you to categorize a person’s motivations, without the threat of being exposed by your failure to actually argue against his point of view.
Keep it up moron, and I’ll keep educating the sheeple by posting links to Jewish sources that prove my point. Here’s another one:
Quote from the above-referenced JDL webpage: “…it is against Jewish law for Jews to inform on other Jews.”
Find me some justice in that Steve.
Yours in insomnia,
Response to Steve Jones
Steve says: “I don’t have any problem with any religion as long as it teaches fairness and honesty toward all people, but if you think that Judaism is a righteous religion, here’s just one excerpt of a supposedly unsupported accusation against the Talmud as explained away by a self-destructive gentile. There’s only one problem with his explanation; it asks you to believe that it is justified due to the fact that non-Jews have no right to the word of God. Can you imagine anything more idiotic?”
And then he goes on to cite the supposed article on my website: “From:”
Mr. Jones certainly assumes a lot in his haughty self-assuredness! First of all, I’m not a “self-destructive gentile”; I am a Jew – a Messianic Jew, to be exact. The Refiner’s Fire is a Messianic site designed to lead Jews to the Lord and to take on anyone who is against Yeshua (Jesus). Furthermore, I challenge someone to find that particular passage to which he is referring. Yes, that particular article is about the Talmud – specifically, trying to show the public how much of the Talmud was misinterpreted, mostly by non-Hebrew-speaking people who fail to realize it was nothing more than an oral commentary on the Torah, by Jewish scholars some 2,000 years ago who did the best they could with the knowledge they had at the time. And while I’m certainly no Talmudic scholar, it is unfair for some self-righteous Gentile to “knock” something they don’t clearly understand. So, when you learn Hebrew, Steve, and can adequately translate the original MAN-MADE (as opposed to God-breathed) documents, THEN you will have a right to get snotty about Judaism!
Furthermore, Judaism IS a “righteous religion”. The Jews are God’s Chosen People because they are the only ones who accepted Him. Gentiles were considered “heathens” because they rejected Him (the God who loves us ALL so much that He sent His only begotten Son so that we ALL might become “saved”!). The only problems Jews are having right now is that they never realized that their long-awaited Messiah arrived 2,000 years ago. Most Gentiles don’t seem to realize it, either so, Steve, I suggest you stop putting people down until you KNOW what you are talking about!
Steve went on to say: “Wake up gentiles. You don’t owe Jews anything more than the fairness and common courtesy that most of them think you are unworthy of.”
I say: Wake up, Steve. You owe US an apology because you are clearly an anti-semite, and because you are clearly in over your head when it comes to matters concerning God!
Carmen @ The Refiner’s Fire
Click tha website,