Striking Back At The RIAA

A woman who has been sued by the Recording Industry of America has launched a countersuit against the RIAA charging them with extortion and violations of the federal racketeering and organized crime acts.

I do think that the RIAA has engaged in predatory and anti-competitive actions, but I doubt this case will go far. The RIAA has the resources to put any number of high-priced lawyers on this issue, meaning that they already have an advantage.

The real Achilles Heel of the RIAA isn’t legal, it’s the torrent of bad publicity they’re getting. Eventually the backlash will continue to grow, eroding support for the RIAA. The RIAA is playing the game that every totalitarian government plays, using fear as a method to stifle criticism – however, all they have to do is ask Nicolae Ceausescu to see how well that turns out in the end. The more they push, the more they’re hated, and as artists start to realize that the RIAA is hurting rather than helping their sales, their cartel will fall apart.

One thought on “Striking Back At The RIAA

  1. “The RIAA has the resources to put any number of high-priced lawyers on this issue, meaning that they already have an advantage”

    ok, now I understand your views on many issues: justice is easy: the richer is right!!! (I know it’s not you who created this system, but it surely is people from the party and political side you’re supporting that gains more from perpetuating it)

    well done Jay.

    I just noticed that you’re not talking about a declaration coming from a dozen of nobel price winners, and a lot more of random scientist on the way the bush’admin is doing well in science! I thought you liked science, but maybe not today…what are you gonna do about it? Start shooting at the Nobels altogether like you did with the UN? I thouhgt people from Gustavus AC were pretty supportive of this institution…

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