Another Atrocity In Jerusalem

A suicide bomber attacked the No. 14 bus in Jerusalem. At least 8 are dead, more than 50 injured.

FoxNews has more.

Barbaric actions like these are exactly like the security wall is needed. Wall them off and leave them with only each other to kill.

10 thoughts on “Another Atrocity In Jerusalem

  1. Wall them off and leave them with only each other to kill.

    Heck, why not even speed the process up a little? I guess they have a gas or something that’s good for that… I think there’s some Germans you could talk to about that.

  2. If the Israelis wanted to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the planet, they’d have done it already.

    Besides, I’ve yet to see a “genocide” that results in a 300% population increase over 40 years…

    The wall is the only remaining option. Sharon is right, Israel must fully disengage from the West Bank and Gaza until the Palestinians learn to act in a remotely responsible and human manner. Right now there is absolutely no chance of peace, the Palestinian society has devolved into little more than an anti-Semitic death cult, and until that changes the Israelis have every right to protect themselves.

    It’s either the wall, or war.

  3. And if it’s war the Palestinians wil learn the meaning of destruction.

    I’m astounded by the restraint the Israelis have shown. It’s not like they have anything to lose in terms of world opinion outside the US and UK.

  4. I agree with the point you are making, but, being a German myself, I am not altogether happy with the 3rd Reich referrence.

    Sorry, dude. I had hoped that I wasn’t painting all Germans with the same brush, as all the Germans I’ve ever met were All Right Folks. But when you’re looking for examples of calamatous genocide, it’s hard not to go right for the Holocaust, you know?

    Point taken about American disregard for life and health, though.

    About the wall – can somebody explain why it has to go through otherwise undisputed Palestinian territory? I don’t have a problem when you build a wall to keep my kids out of your yard. I do have a problem when you build it through the vegetable garden on my property. That’s when it looks like a land grab.

  5. stop asking too clear questions you anti-semit!!!You don’t want any jews to live in peace, quietly taking over houses and land of our neighbours, without the right to fight back terrorism?

    It just remind me of american indians…these terrorists…

  6. About the wall – can somebody explain why it has to go through otherwise undisputed Palestinian territory?

    There are several reasons. The goal is to build the wall as quickly as possible to prevent suicide attacks like the one this week. That means building to whatever terrain is in the area, which doesn’t necessarily fall through the 1967 line. There are also many Israeli Arabs living behind the 1967 line who want nothing to do with Palestinian Authority. They would rather be in Israel than a state that’s a authoritarian hellhole.

    Sharon has already stated that the wall is not a political border, and the lines will change over time as the Israelis are able to curtail more of the inhuman attacks against their people. Sharon plans to withdraw to the 1967 border and let the Palestinians either come to their senses and negotiate or collapse into civil war. At that point, Israel can’t be blamed for what happens, and the Palestinians have no one to murder but themselves.

  7. what a good answer!!! So Israelis are taking over some land because…they don’t have the time to build the wall elsewhere??? and the final goal is to: “let the Palestinians either come to their senses and negotiate or collapse into civil war”??? Jay, how would you like living in a concrete cage, in a dump? Is it likely that it would make you come to your senses?

    “the lines will change over time” : these 8 meters high walls can be moved around like lego pieces. It took 2 years (until now, probably 3 or more in the end) to build it, but they sure can move it all in a matter of days!

    “At that point, Israel can’t be blamed for what happens”: according to Jay, Israelis are in no way responsible (not even a shared responsibility, nothing) in the situation. Perfect objectivity!

    “and the Palestinians have no one to murder but themselves” : I don’t know: if you want to Kill Bill, but he ain’t here, you’re gonna kill your brother instaed? wishful thinking Jay, and moreover, EVIL wishful thinking!!

    In a sense, I believe that this wall could actually stop terrorism: if it prevents israelis’army and settlers to come on the palestinian side. Last time terrorists made a break, it was broken by the israeli army. At least with a wall, anyone can see when the israeli army is somewhere it doesn’t belong…and this is why it is so important to have the wall fit the border. Otherwise, it’s just stealing land.

    Did anyone ever heard of terrorism in France? Bretagne, Corse, Pays Basque have all developped an illegal independance force. They even commited bombings against trains, buildings…but their message is not spreading. The opposite is true. Why so? Well maybe because the population can see that:
    -they live well in France! They don’t need an independant state because they are winning more to be part of this country than aside
    -the families of the “terrorists” are country-people, mostly poor and uneducated. But when their son make a mistake, the house is not razed! thus the whole family doesn’t take him as a martyr, and send their second son for revenge!
    -bretons, corses or basques are not discriminated against in France. they can go wherever they want. The fact that they are from a particular region doesn’t make them look suspect toward authorities. Today, all palestininans are checked every 2 miles. It makes people believe that they are on the other side. At least, they don’t feel home.

    Violence never stopped violence. the only reasons that can make someone not understanding this message are:
    -you actually sell the weapons(the US)
    -you are the strongest, so you don’t care to fight/kill the other. The more it lasts, the more you’re winning (the israelis)
    -you’ve already lose so much you feel like you have nothing to lose (the palestininans)

    Without accusing or blaming anyone in particular, how and who can make it stop? A wall won’t help, for sure.

  8. “The goal is to build the wall as quickly as possible to prevent suicide attacks like the one this week. That means building to whatever terrain is in the area, which doesn’t necessarily fall through the 1967 line. ”

    Are you serious, because if this is the sort of logic that justified the invasion of Iraq and decided the occupation was going well, I think we’re screwed. But in case you missed it: the way to prevent suicide attacks is not to add to the list of grievances already in place!

  9. Let me be absolutely clear:

    The goal of the Palestinians is not to have an independent state. They could have had that at any one of several occasions. The goal of the PA is the destruction of Israel.

    The Palestinians could have walked away with everything they had been asking for in 1999 at Camp David. They walked away from the deal, because an independent state side by side with Israel isn’t something the Palestinians are willing to settle for

    Until this is realized, every effort at Middle East peace is doomed to fail. And instead of actually dealing with the issues at hand, more Israelis will become pawns in this asinine game. If a piece of paper was going to solve this, it would have been solved years ago.

    Instead, we continue to blame the victims and excuse barbarous attacks by the Palestinians. When Israel tries to defend itself, they’re treated as the villians rather than as a people that have every right to exist and defend themselves for attack.

    There will be no peace so long as the terrorists control Palestine – unless it is the “peace” that comes from a second Holocaust.

  10. For my work, I often read the position papers of big IT companies. They always insist on how beneficial it’s gonna be for SMEs. On the same topic (a piece of legislation is an example), the federation of SMEs has totally different views. Who should be believed by the European Commission who always want to go in favor of SMEs (95% of the economy)? The big companies saying that SMEs are gonna be great if their plan is applied, or SMEs themselves? The second option seems to be the right one. No one is in a better position to say what an entity wants and needs than this entity itself.

    Palestinians have erased from their “mission statement” that they want to destroy Israël, and wrote down they want a state along with Israël. No one else but them can say what they think, and especially not those who are freezing the peace process , while stealing their land day after day. As far as I know, only one side doesn’t want to speak with the other side’s leader! If you refuse the dialog, how do you expect things to be settled??? You don’t! If israelis want to live in peace with their neighbours, they must respect their right to live as well, which they aren’t today.

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