Ryan Bows Out

Illinois Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan is dropping out of the race after revelations of possible sexual misconduct involving his former wife Jeri Ryan (of Boston Public and Star Trek: Voyager fame). I haven’t been following this story closely, and I think it’s rather shameful that a court unsealed the evidence when both parties wanted it to remain closed to protect their son. Ryan committed no crime other than boorish behavior and bad taste. However, Ryan is politically damaged goods, and the Democratic candidate Barack Obama is going to be difficult to beat as it is. He had little choice, and he’s doing the right thing by allowing someone else to run.

6 thoughts on “Ryan Bows Out

  1. What is really fishy is the judge unsealing the documents when neither party wanted it, and where there was a child involved. Also, consider that Ryan’s ex-wife did release a statement proclaiming him a “good man, a loving father” and stating that she has “no doubt that he will make an excellent senator.”

    You can probably bet is was a Democratic judge who unsealed those papers…

  2. Not likely considering how long it’s been since Illinois had a Democratic Governor before Blagojevich.

  3. Mark: The divorce occurred in the state of California, and thus it was a Los Angeles judge that ordered the records unsealed…

  4. Actually, this is widely misunderstood. Divorce records are normally public. Anyone can read them. What was bizarre is that they were ever sealed in the first place. The only reason they were, really, was because you had a couple of rich and powerful people who both wanted them sealed, and there was nobody objecting. As soon as the press came forward, it was inevitable that they’d be opened. Don’t feel too bad for the Ryans, though. You or I never would have gotten them sealed in the first place.

  5. Why is it that we demand that politicians have the most boring sex lives of anybody?

    What difference does it make that Jack Ryan (great name, btw) likes Parisian sex clubs? What possible influnce could that have on his policy- and decision-making?

    You can’t tell me it’s not because he’s a Republican. You guys ought to be ashamed that your divisive sexual politics have even claimed one of your own. Sure, who cares about a few o’ them thar gays having equal rights, but if you can’t even extend a little privacy to one of your own… shameful.

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