More Connections Missed

Dan Darling notes that the Senate Intelligence Committee report finds the Saddam/al-Qaeda connections that the 9/11 Commission missed. He’s done what most of the people commenting on the report have failed to do – actually read the thing. What he finds is illuminating, to put it mildly.

The short version: Joe Wilson is a bad liar, the connections between Iraq and al-Qaeda have been indaquately investigated and have not been disproven, and Iraq was actively aiding terrorists worldwide, and the Bush Administration did not use political pressure on the CIA to manipulate intelligence.

Of course, the media still thinks that Joe Wilson is a brave truth teller rather than an arrogant partisan hack, Iraq and al-Qaeda barely knew of each other’s existance and would never, ever, ever think of working together, Saddam Hussein wouldn’t hurt a fly, and the CIA thought that Iraq had no weapons until the big mean Bush Administration forced them to say otherwise.

Which only goes to show that you can no longer trust the press to summarize these things for you, you have to do the job that the ideologically fixated media will not.

4 thoughts on “More Connections Missed

  1. How’s that Plame investigation going?

    If there really was no wrongdoing, why don’t those leakers just step forward, confident that Jay’s expert legal anaysis will protect them?

    Which only goes to show that you can no longer trust the press to summarize these things for you, you have to do the job that the ideologically fixated media will not.

    Which of course never stops you from citing “the ideologically fixated media” when it serves your purpose.

  2. The media works on the principle that they create the truth…often what they dispense is propaganda, almost always slanted left politically.

    The media also plays off the principle that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as truth.

  3. The media also plays off the principle that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as truth.

    For instance, such popular slogans as “We report, you decide” and “fair and balanced.”

  4. 1-“the Senate Intelligence Committee report FINDS the Saddam/al-Qaeda connections that the 9/11 Commission missed”
    2-“the connections between Iraq and al-Qaeda have been indaquately investigated and have not been disproven”

    I fail to understand how these two sentences fit together: “not disproven” and “find” are two very different things. You are way too illuminated.

    “The media works on the principle that they create the truth”

    No, media are companies: They work on the principle that what they create has to bring back benefits. Truth or lie, it doesn’t matter…cash is the only criteria for media. This is the reason why media were pleased by the war before it happens (it sells more paper to say “war is coming”), and then criticize the war when it is there (it sells more paper to show how Bu$ fucked it up.

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