With Apologies To Jeff Goldstein…

A new pickup line for the ladies, compliments of Sandy Berger:

Are those classified documents in your pants, or are you happy to see me?

3 thoughts on “With Apologies To Jeff Goldstein…

  1. Look at how Kerry is rapidly losing his surrogates on national security: first Wilson and now Berger.

    At least these are two egos we won’t have to see on TV much during the election season now.

  2. Let us realize, through all of the reporting and commentary, that Berger has yet to supply anyone with an adequate explanation as to exactly WHY he did this.

    He tries to explain HOW…attributing it to “sloppiness” and some strange “inadvertant” behavior…but has yet to really explain WHY.

    Of course, his explanation as to HOW doesn’t hold water…the fact that he may have had a messy desk doesn’t explain how one can pilfer top secret docs by accident.

    And Clinton’s attempt to laugh this whole thing off shows just how totally clueless this guy was and is on national security.

  3. Are those classified documents in your pants, or are you happy to see me?

    He’s here all week, folks. Try the veal!

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