A Prediction

I’ve been reading about some of the nuts protesting the RNC in New York – your usual collection of anarchists, nutballs, and sundry malcontents wildly indignant about everything from multinational cooperation to the existance of soap.

So here’s my prediction, pulled directly from my rear end – the convention will give Bush a bounce – and part of that bounce will be from people taking one look at the protestors and realizing that they don’t want to have anything to do with those wackos. Unfortunately, I’m also sure we’ll see some outbreaks of violence in New York at the same time – when your ideology is that Bush = Hitler someone is going to take that to its illogical extreme…

4 thoughts on “A Prediction

  1. So here’s my prediction, pulled directly from my rear end – the convention will give Bush a bounce

    So, then, given your track record with predictions, I think we can expect that historians will look back on the RNC as the precise moment that the Bush campaign imploded. 😉

  2. Yes, provided the TV networks show images of the goony birds. My guess is that they’ll avoid the grotesque specimens and interview any bow-tied professor types they can find among the protesters.

    I hope at least bloggers will be there to photograph the reality, especially the demented signs some of the protesters will be carrying, and post the pictures on the Web.

  3. Of course, these are the same sort of lefties that protest the Democrats too… so I can’t see it mattering very much.

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