8 thoughts on “393 to 145

  1. Nickelodeon’s children’s poll showed Kerry winning. I guess they’ve picked the winner in each of the past five or six elections. Couple that with the fact that the Boston Red Sox are heading to the World Series and it becomes apparent that karma and Kerry have more in common that just being five-letter words that start with a K

  2. More bad news for Bush….

    A new report from today’s Charleston Gazette has confirmed a couple other rumblings I’ve been hearing this week that Bush’s lead in West Virginia is fading. I must confess that even when the pundits were suggesting West Virginia may turn blue last winter, I had my doubts. I continue to suspect it’s a likely Bush hold, but a couple factors have raised my hopes. The most obvious is the 1,000+ lost jobs at a chemical plant in Charleston this month, that have raised doubts of Bush’s economic stewardship. Furthermore, my suspicion of Democratic erosion was primarily based on the coal economy that favors the anti-environment candidate. However, the report showed WV coal miners backing Kerry by a 10-1 margin, fueled by anger over Bush rolling back miner safety protections that will hasten the pace at which mine workers end up in caskets. The Gods, guns and gays theme is certainly likely to keep Bush on top in the state again this year, but even the recent right-skewing Mason-Dixon poll could only produce a five-point Bush lead in the state….and two polls leading up to Election Day 2000 showed Bush leading by 10 points in West Virginia, yet ultimately winning by less than six. You never know….

  3. Oh excellent! _The 4400_ is coming back!

    As for the Nick poll, I have a feeling that on Nov. 3rd they’ll find out that there’s a first time for everything.

    As for West Virginia, the chances of that state going for Kerry are precisely _bupkis_.

  4. That’s what you said about Ohio merely three weeks ago. I bet you wouldn’t be willing too much money on that prediction now. As I said, West Virginia is likely Bush country, but I’m now expecting it to be much closer than I did three days ago. Ironically, it seems when Kerry pulls his ads from a state, his numbers begin to improve.

  5. Well, maybe there’s a reason why kids do not have the right to vote…

    But now, we have evidence that the average people with a lower level of education, culture and political background would vote for Bush!!! It’s always good to know who your supporters really are!

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