The list of candidates led by Saad Hariri, the son of the slain Lebanese politician Rafik Hariri is expected to gain a majority in the Lebanese parliament. Hariri’s anti-Syrian bloc is competing with Hizb’Allah and Michel Aoun’s pro-Syria bloc for control of the Lebanese parliament. It is expected that Hariri’s bloc will win enough seats to give them a majority of the 128-seat Lebanese parliament after the votes are counted from this final round of voting.
Even The New York Times has caught the significance of this event calling it “perhaps an example of a greater yearning for democracy in the Arab world.” — an understatement if ever there was one.
Hariri has much work ahead of him to keep the factitious Lebanese people together and reach out to Lebanon’s Christian population. However, the Cedar Revolution has been one which has crossed ethnic lines, and Lebanon is tired of years of war and occupation. Beirut was once considered the Paris of the Middle East, and after years of being synonymous with violence and destruction, it has a chance to return to its more glorious reputation. If Hariri can lead Lebanon into a future of prosperity and stability, the roots of the Cedar Revolution will reach far beyond the borders of Lebanon.
UPDATE: Justin Paul, who is a veritable fountain of wisdom on Middle Eastern politics, reminds me that General Aoun is hardly pro-Syrian, having been exiled from Lebanon for 15 years for his actions in the Lebanese civil war of the 1980s. Ironically enough, he has allied himself with two generally pro-Syria politicians, Suleiman Franjieh and former Prime Minister Omar Karami. The politics of Lebanon are head-bendingly complex, with dozens of different groups with their own agendas constantly forming and breaking alliances.
When did Michel Aoun, the brave Maronite general who single handedly declared war on Syrian occupying forces in Beirut in 1989 and has spent time in exile since his defeat turn pro-damascus? Catch yourself on with the facts pertaining to that. Aoun is true Lebanese resister, and will be treated well in history along with such men as the late, great, Bashir Gemayel and the wrongfully imprisoned Samir Geagea.
Another note to show just how mind bending Lebanse politics is should be the mention of Saddam Hussein’s support of Free Lebanon forces. Michel Aoun and other (mostly right wing maronite) anti-Syrian foces in Lebanon received generous aid from Saddam Hussein. This is of course because Assad and Hussein hated each other due to Assad’s support of Iran in the Iran/Iraq war. Hussein’s military support in the 1980’s was crucial especially since the Israel/Maronite pact had lessened after Bashir Gemayel was murdered in 1979. Aoun and others fighting Damascus needed any help they could get. No mainstream nationwide Maronite leader would pick up Gemayel’s mantel as so to speak. The pro-Israel torch was then carried by veritable extremists such as Etienne Saqr of the murderous Guardians of the Cedars. It would be interesting to see what a future stable Iraq government would formulate for its policy towards Lebanon, it would likely be more neutral than the one Saddam pursued.
how exactly did the people overcome in the cedar revolution? what were their tactics? i am not clear from any redings as to how exactly they acheived change…all the articles simply say “protest” and “demonstrate”. what are the details?
of course i have just started my research and may find the answers. however, this site has been the most satisfying, so i figured i could get the answers im looking for.
thank you.