Joining The Fray

Demosthenes, a well-written left-leaning blogger has
a list of left-leaning blogs
with some interesting arguments on the Israel/Palestine issue. It looks like the left is jumping onto the blogosphere bandwagon as well. And while Demosthenes would argue that the conservatives have created a blogging hegemon, I’d cheerfully argue that it’s only because of the mainstream media’s largely hostile view of conservatism that many conservative pundits have had to use alternate forms of media to get their message across.

Moving On Up…

Glenn Reynolds, the blogosphere’s InstaPundit has shiny new digs for his site. Powered by, you guessed it, Moveable Type. The new redesign preserves the kind of low-flash high-content motif he had going before, which is good.

Sometimes I think of Blogger being a kind of "gateway drug" into blogging – you start with that before moving on to the hard stuff… Still, Blogger’s a great tool, and a good service, and it’s definately what I’d recomment for someone just starting out with blogging.


BlogSpot, host to a large number of great blogs, appears to be getting flakier
and flakier lately. I’m having a hard time geting my
fix every day. Luckily my
hosting company
has been pretty much rock-solid as of late. (Yes, that is
a gratitutous plug, but they’re a small company who does good work and has a
quality service…) Hopefully Ev over at Blogger
will get things back up to speed soon.

In the meantime, if you use BlogSpot, it would be nice to upgrade to the paid
service or get Blogger Pro to help keep Blogger running smoothly. Even though
I’ve moved on, I still have a soft spot in my heart for Blogger, and I’d hate to
see such a great service join the dot com deadpool.

Understanding "Warbloggers"

Blogs of War has a good
piece that explores
the reasons why warbloggers are warbloggers
. He’s got some great
counterpoints to the anti-warblogging crowd belief that all we want is to kill Arabs
and create an American Empire. As I explained before in
a previous article
, "warbloggers" aren’t pro-war in that we like it
when people go off and kill each other, we’re pro-war in that we see the alternatives
of using force are worse than not dealing with these issues directly. Yes, when we
go after Iraq people will die, including innocent civilians. At the same time, if we
do nothing, Saddam will kill countless more. It becomes a simple calculus of
death – act now and risk causualties in the process, or do nothing, and allow
genocide to continue. We can’t afford to sit passively by and allow the rising tide
of Islamic fundamentalism to drown the world in blood. That’s why we need to
start working to end these terrorist-supporting regimes now, before September
11 becomes just the first of many attacks.

Random Dose Of Randomness

Stephen Greene continues on his quest
to find what to call Palestinian suicide bombers
. I get a rather large kick out
of the term "people of detonation" myself.

Megan McArdle gets an e-mail informing her that
her porn is outdated
. Remember kids, always keep your porn fresh!

Scott Ganz is finding that
his blog has gone on strike
. Trust me, genetically engineered wombats are the way
to go. As long as you keep them rolling in the Vegemite, you never have to worry…

In speaking of creatures from Down Under, Tim Blair finds that
Robert Fisk is out of his bloody mind
. Note the total lack of surprise.

In other news, some loser actually bothers to
collect all this in one post
, proving that the combination of bored people
and Internet technology can be a dangerous thing.

Nota Bene

I noticed this interesting sentence in the latest issue of National Review

Milton Berle, who died at 93, worked in almost every 20th-
century medium of entertainment except the blog.

Well, I’d consider blogging to be a 21st-century communications medium
rather than just entertainment, but it’s nice to see blogging has come that far
into the mainstream.

Drink To His Health

VodkaPundit is down due to some unpleasantness with his hosting service… one of the problems of being a popular blogger I suppose. Hopefully he’ll find a better host (cough ValuableHost cough) and be back with his great punditry in short order.